computer science - unix
undefined, object
copy deck
- list your directory with dates and permissions
- 1s -1
- change permissions on a file or directory
- chmod 644 f
- quit
- ctrl-d
- rename file or directory f1 to f2
- mv f1 f2
- create a new directory
- mkdir dirName
- list a file on your scteen, one page at a time
- more
- display documentation from the maual on your screen
- man cmd
- change to parent directory
- cd ..
- make a copy of file f1
- cp f1 f2
- remove file f from your directory
- rm f
- make a copy of a file from somewhere else with the same name
- cp path/f.
- return to home directory
- cd
- change to subdirectory
- cd subDir
- list your directory on the screen
- 1s
- break
- ctrl-c
- list a file on your screen at full speed
- cat