french flashcards 2
undefined, object
copy deck
- apprendre par coeur
- to memorize
- assiter a
- to attend
- echouer
- to fail
- faire des etudes (de)
- to study, to major (in)
- former
- to educate, to prepare
- s'inscrire
- to register, enroll
- loger
- to lodge, to live
- s'orienter
- to choose a course of study
- se preinscrire
- to preregister
- se rattraper
- to make up
- recevoir (un diplome)
- to graduate, to finish a course of study
- regler
- to settle, to pay
- remplir
- to fill out
- retirer
- to obtain, to withdraw
- secher un cours
- to cut a class
- subir
- to undergo
- un amphitheatre
- lecture hall
- un apprentissage
- apprenticeship
- un bachelier/une bacheliere
- baccalaurate holder
- le cite universite
- residence hall complex
- une classe prepartoire
- prep. class (for entrance to the grandes ecoles)
- une conference
- lecture
- un conseiller
- adviser
- le controle continu des connaissance
- periodic testing
- une copie
- exam paper
- un cours magistral
- lecture by the professor
- un cursus
- course of study
- le DEUG
- degree obtained after 2 yrs of u. study
- le deuxieme cycle
- 2nd level of higher education
- un diplome
- diploma, degree
- un dossier
- record, transcript
- le DUT
- technical degree obtained at u. level
- l'enseignement
- teaching, instruction, education
- une epreuve
- test
- les etudes
- course of study
- ____ superieures
- graduate school
- une fiche
- form
- une formation
- education, academic prep.
- le frais d'inscription
- tuition,, registration fees
- prestigious business school
- l'informatique
- computer science
- les inscriptions
- registration
- une insertion
- entry info
- un IUT
- technical institue
- la license
- 1st diploma after DEUG- 3 yrs u. study
- la maitrise
- masters degree- 1 yr after lisence
- une specialisation
- major
- une option
- minor
- une manifestation
- demonstration
- une matiere
- subject
- une mention
- honors degree conentration on the BAC
- le minisere de l'education
- dept of edu
- un module
- unit
- une moyenne
- average
- un niveau
- level
- une note
- grade
- une orientation
- direction of study
- un polycopie
- reproduced set of lecture notes
- la premiere
- next to last yr of high school
- le recueil de voeux
- chyoice of preferencea
- le repechage
- 2nd choice
- le Resto U (RU)
- university restaurant
- le terminale
- last yr of high school study
- les travaux practiques
- drill, lab, or discussion sections
- une unite de valeur
- credit
- la vie active
- work
- admis(e)
- accepted
- au fur a mesure
- bit by bit
- decu(e)
- dissapointed
- demonde(e)
- old fashioned
- facultatif(ive)
- optional
- gratuit(e)
- free
- provisoire
- temporary
- recu(e)
- passed(an exam)
- selectif(-ive)
- selective
- surpeuple(eO
- crowded