MIs chapter 7
undefined, object
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- a field in which the computer system takes on the characteristics of human intelligence
- artificial intelligence
- people, procedures, hardware, software, data and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that demonstrate the characteristics of intelligence
- aartificial intelligence systems
- The process of starting with conclusions and working backward to the supporting facts
- backward chaining
- the allowable values for data attributes
- domain
- the individual or gorup who has the expertise or knowledge one is trying to capture in the expert system
- domain expert
- a system that gives a computer the ability to make suggestions and act like an expert in a particular field
- expert system
- a collection of software packages and tools used to develop expert systems
- expert system shells
- component of an expert system that allows a user or decision maker to understand how the expert system arrived at certain conclusions or results
- explanation facility
- the process of starting with the facts and working forward to the conclusions
- forward chaining
- a special research area in computer science that allows shades of gray and does not require everthing to be simple black or white, yes/no or true/false
- fuzzy logic
- rules that suggest certain conclusions
- if-then statements
- part of the expert system that seeks information and relationships from the knowledge base and provides answers, predictions, and suggestions the way a human expert would
- inference
- the ability to learn from experiences and appl knowledge acquired from experience, handle complex situations, solve problems when important information is missing, determine what is important, react quickly and correctly to a new situation, understand vi
- intelligent behavior
- part of the expert system that provides convenient and efficient means of capturing and storing all the components of the knowledge base
- knowledge acquisition facility
- the collection of data, rules, procedures and relationships that must be followed to achieve value or the proper outcome
- knowledge base
- an individual who has training or experience in the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of an expert system
- knowledge engineer
- the individual or group who uses and benefits from the expert system
- knowledge user
- a combination of software and hardware that allows the computer to change how it functions or reacts to situations based on feedback it receives
- learning systems
- processing that allows the computer to understand and react to statements and commands made in a "natural" languge, such as English
- natural language processing
- a computer system that can simulate the functioning of a human brain
- neural network
- a system that approximates the way a human sees, hears, and feels objects
- perceptive system
- mechanical or computer devices that perform tasks requiring a high degree of precision or that are tedious or hazardous for humans
- robotics
- a conditional statement that links given conditions to actions or outcomes
- rule
- the hardware and software that permit computers to capture, store, and manipulate visual images and pictures
- vision systems