edpy442 ch3
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- ethical principles
a. beneficence (do good, prevent harm)
b. nonmaleficence (no inflict harm)
c. autonomy (self-determination)
d. justice (fairness)
e. fidelity (honor commitment) - 3 reasons conflicts arise within ethical codes
a. counsellors have to know all to be able to differentiate dillemas
b. codes offer conflicting guidelines of what to do
c. counsellors belong to more than 1 organization with conflicting code of ethics - ethical and legal
- =following a just law
- ethics
- =making decisions of a moral nature about people and their interaction in society
- unethical and legal
- =following an unjust law
- unethical and illegal
- =breaking a just law
- 4 reasons ethical codes exist
a. protect profession from gov't
b. control internal disagreements
c. protect counsellors from public
d. protect public from incompetent counsellors - purpose of code of ethics
- =offers formal statements for ensuring protection of client's rights while identifying expectations of practitioners
- ethical codes and general and idealistic
=seldom answer specific questions
=provide guidelines only - ethical reasoning
- =process of determining which ethical principles are involved and then prioritizing them based on the professional requirements and beliefs
- ethical and alegal
- =doing good where no law applies
- four main ethical issues
a. informed consent
b. coercion and deception
c. confidentiality
d. reporting the results - cyber counselling
- =counselling over the internet with ethical dilemmas
- computers, counselling, and ethics
- =potential ethical difficulty for a breach of client info. when cmpt's are used to transmit info
- other settings and ethics
a. elderly
b. multicultural
c. managed care
d. diagnosis of clients
e. counselling research - slippery slope effect
- =condoning or ignoring a situation they risk eroding their own sense of moral selfhood and find it easier to condone future ethical breaches
- legal
- =law or the state of being lawful
- ethical and illegal
- =disobeying an unjust law
- dual relationships
- =counsellor-client sexual relations
- ethical decision making
- =requires virtues such as character, integrity, moral courage and knowledge
- steps to work thru ethical dilemmas
1. identify problem
2. apply code of ethics
3. consider moral principles
4. action implemented - 4 levels of credentialing procedures
1. inspection
2. registration
3. certification
4. licensure - law
- =governing standards to ensure legal and moral justice
- privacy
- = recognizes individuals rights to choose the time, circumstances, and extent to which they share or withold personal info
- 5 types of ethical dilemmas
a. confidentiality
b. role conflict
c. counsellor competence
d. conflicts with employer
e. degree of dangerousness - 3 parts of sharing
a. confidentiality
b. privacy
c. priveleged communication - records should contain
- =all info of the client necessary for their treatment
- when would a counsellor be in court
a. voluntary and professional ex. expert witness (compensated financially)
b. court order
ex. subpoena for a case - confidentiality
- =ethical duty to fulfill a contract or promise to clients that the info revealed during therapy will be protected in disclosure
- justify an action
- =best judgement of what should be done based upon the current state of the profession
- 6 categories of info in a record
a. intake info
b. assessment info
c. treatment plan
d. case notes
e. termination summary
f. other data - educating counsellors in ethical decision making
-course offerings
-continuing education credit - active profession based on values
- orienting beliefs about what is good and how that good should be achieved
- priveleged communication
= regulates privacy protection and confidentiality
by witholding info closed in court without their permission - unethical and alegal
- =doing harm that no law prohibits
- process-oriented framework for counsellors to use when working with families
6 values affected:
a. responsibility
b. integrity
c. commitment
d. freedom of choice
e. empowerment
f. right to grieve - liability in counselling
- =issues of whether counsellors have caused harm to clients
- 5 stage continuum of reasoning
a. punishment orientation
b. institutional orientation
c. societal orientation
d. individual orientation
e. principle (conscience) orientation - when clients are dangerous to themselves or others
- - laws specify that info must be reported to the proper authorities
- malpractice
- =harm to client b/c of professional negligence
- morality
=involves judgment or evaluation of action
ex. right and wrong - 2 ways to protect from malpractice
a. follow code of ethics
b. follow normal practice standards - negligence
- =departure from acceptable professional standards
- guidelines for acting ethically
a. honesty
b. best interest of client
c. act without malice or gain
d. justify an action - client rights and records
- =first must learn what rights the clients have and to inform the client of them
- temptations of counsellors
a.physical intamacy
b. gossip
(to advance one's career) - release-of-info form
=method to use to disclose information
(attorney writes) - tort
- = a wrong that legal action is designed to set right
- civil liability
- =one can be sued for acting wrongly against someone or failing to act when their duty to do so
- 2 types of liability
a. civil
b. criminal - school counselling and ethics
- =the ethical responsibility is to the client first and teh school second
- criminal liability
- = counsellor's working with a client in a way the law doesn't allow
- implied rights
=susbstantive due process
=when a rule is made that arbitrarily limits an individual - 2 main types of client rights
a. implied
b. explicit - explicit rights
=procedural due process
=when a rule is broken and the client is not told how to remedy the matter