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Econ # 2


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absolute advantage
A producer has an **** over another in the production of a good or service if it can produce that product using fewer resources. (Adam Smith)
the process of using resources to produce new capital. Capital is the accumulation of previous investment.
allocative efficiency
producing the goods and services that people most want at the lowest possible cost.
the process that transforms scarce resources into useful goods and services.
Resources or factors of production
The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) is
the slope of the PPF
Distribution of Output
Also determined in a decentralized way. The amount households get depends on income and wealth.
Command Economy
An economy in which a central government either directly or indirectly, sets output targets, incomes, and prices.
Consumer goods
these are goods produced for present consumption.
Market Imperfections are
Inefficiencies, Unfair distribution of income, Periods of unemployment and inflation recur with some regularity
The economic problem
Given scarce resources, how, exactly, do large, complex societies go about answering the three basic economic questions?
Two most important sources of growth
accumulation of capital and technological advances.
anything provided by nature or previous generations that can be used directly or indirectly to satisfy human wants.
The Market
the institution through which buyers and sellers interact and engage in exchange.
Production possibilities frontier (PPF)
A graph that shows all the combinations of goods and services that can be produced if all of society's resources are used efficiently.
comparative advantage
• A producer has a **** in the production of a good or service over another if it can produce that product at a lower opportunity cost. (David Recardo)
the process that transforms scarce resources into useful goods and services.
Resources or factors of production
theory of competitive advantage
specialization and free trade will benefit all trading parties, even those that may be absolutely
• Goods and services of value to households are the **** of the process of production. i.e. Usable products
Consumer sovereignty
The mix of output produced is dicated by the tastes and preferences of consumers.
things that are themselves produced and that are then used in the production of goods and services. Examples: PC, buildings, equipment, shovel
Laissez-Faire Economy (Free enterprise)
"Allow (them) to do." An economy in which individual people and firms pursue their own self-interests without any central direction or regulation.
The amount that a product sells for per unit. It reflects what society is willing to pay.
Individual production decisions
Individuals are free to start businesses. This increases output and develops new production techniques.
The Three Basic Economic questions
What gets produced? How its produced? Who gets what is produced?
Price Theory
Prices are the basic coordinating and signaling mechanism.
Capital goods
These are goods used to produce other goods and services.
Economic growth does?
This pushes the PPF out/away from the origin
the process that transforms scarce resources into useful goods and services.

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