undefined, object
copy deck
- extemporaneous
- done withoutany prepartion; impromptu
- exclaim
- to cry out or speak ina strong or sudden manner
- equivocate
- to use misleading language that could be interpreted two different ways
- verify
- to conform; to prove to be true
- equation
- a statemeant of equality
- temporary
- lasting for limited time
- durable
- having the quality of lasting
- veracity
- truth; honesty
- proclamation
- something annoced officially in public
- duration
- the lenght of time something lasts
- revival
- the act of bringing back to life; renewed intrest in
- contemporary
- of the same time; modern time
- vivid
- lively in appearance; vigorous
- equity
- fairness; the state of being just or fair
- vivacious
- high-spirited and full of life