Semester Exam
You are responsible for definitions, parts, prefixes & roots
undefined, object
copy deck
- monopoly
- exclusive control of a commodity or service in a given market, or control that makes possible the fixing of prices and the virtual elimination of free competition
- isotherm
- a line on a map connecting points on the earth's surface having the same mean temperature or the same temperature at a given time
- euphonious
- characterized by euphony; having a pleasant sound; harmonious
- demography
- the statistical science dealing with the distribution, density, vital statistics, etc. of human populations
- polyglot
- speaking or writing several languages
- anonymous
- given, written, etc. by a person whose name is withheld or unknown
- Philanthropy
- a desire to help mankind, esp. as shown by gifts to charitable or humanitarian institutions; benevolence
- aphonic
- not pronounced, voiceless
- genealogy
- a chart or recorded history of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor or ancestors
- skeptical
- not easily persuaded or convinced; doubting; questioning
- ballistics
- the science dealing with the motion and impact of projectiles, such as bullets, rockets, bombs, etc.
- hypercritical
- too critical; too severe in judgment; hard to please
- symmetry
- similarity of form or arrangement on either side of a dividing line or plane; correspondence of opposite parts in size, shape, and position; condition of being symmetrical: the whole or the corresponding parts are said to have symmetry
- misogynist
- sexist, male chauvinist, celibate, misanthrope, woman-hater, bachelor
- cosmopolitan
- characterized by worldly sophistication; fashionable, urbane, etc
- bibliomaniac
- book collector, book nut
- eccentric
- deviating from the norm, as in conduct; odd; unconventional,not exactly circular in shape or motion
- caustic
- that can burn, eat away, or destroy tissue by chemical action; corrosive
- hypodermic
- of the parts under the skin, stimulating or exciting, as though resulting from a hypodermic injection
- pseudonym
- a fictitious name, esp. one assumed by an author; pen name
- atrophy
- a wasting away, esp. of body tissue, an organ, etc., or the failure of an organ or part to grow or develop, as because of insufficient nutrition
- eulogy
- speech or writing in praise of a person, event, or thing; esp., a formal speech praising a person who has recently died
- cephalopod
- any of a class (Cephalopoda) of marine mollusks having a distinct head with highly developed eyes, varying numbers of arms, with suckers, attached to the head about the mouth, and a saclike fin-bearing mantle, as an octopus, squid, or cuttlefish
- ethnologist
- the branch of anthropology that studies comparatively the cultures of contemporary, or recent, societies or language groups
- necropolis
- cemetery, esp. one belonging to an ancient city
- idiosyncrasy
- any personal peculiarity, mannerism, etc
- allonym
- a work published under a name that is not that of the author
- entomology
- the branch of zoology that deals with insects
- pathology
- the branch of medicine that deals with the nature of disease, esp. with the structural and functional changes caused by disease
- physiology
- the branch of biology dealing with the functions and vital processes of living organisms or their parts and organs
- heliocentric
- calculated from, viewed as from, or belonging to the center of the sun
- sporadic
- widely separated from others, scattered, or isolated in occurrence; appearing singly, apart, or in isolated instances
- agnostic
- a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is a God or an ultimate cause, or anything beyond material phenomena
- apathy
- lack of interest; listless condition; unconcern; indifference
- iconoclast
- one who attacks and seeks to destroy widely accepted ideas, beliefs, etc
- logorrhea
- excessive talkativeness, esp. when incoherent and uncontrollable
- telegraphy
- the transmission of messages by telegraph
- petrology
- the branch of geology that deals with the classification, location, composition, structure, and origin of rocks
- oligarchy
- a form of government in which the ruling power belongs to a few persons
- polytheist
- belief in or worship of many gods, or more than one god
- diarchy
- government shared by two rulers, powers, etc
- epitaph
- an inscription on a tomb or gravestone in memory of the person buried there
- anarchy
- the complete absence of government
- monotone
- a single, unchanging musical tone
- monochrome
- a painting, drawing, design, or photograph in one color or shades of one color
- isodynamic
- of or having equal force
- microscopic
- so small as to be invisible or obscure except through a microscope; extremely small; minute
- polygamy
- the practice of mating with more than one of the opposite sex
- pachyderm
- any of certain large, thick-skinned, hoofed animals, as the elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, formerly classified together
- Misanthrope
- a person who hates or distrusts all people
- biography
- an account of a person's life, described by another; life story