SAT Vocab 2
undefined, object
copy deck
- tyranny
- absolute power that is often cruel
- garner
- to get; to acquire
- austere
- strict; severely simple (syn:ascetic, spartan; ant: hedonistic)
- elicit
- to bring out, cause to happen [*DONT CONFUSE WITH ILLICIT]
- censure
- to criticize [*DONT CONFUSE WITH CENSOR] (syn: denounce, castigate, decry; ant: commend, extol)
- homogeneous
- made up of similar parts [*opposite of heterogeneous]
- ambivalent
- uncertain; having conflicting feelings [*RELATED TO AMBIGUOUS. root ambi- means double]
- daunt
- to intimidate; to discourage [*to daunt someone is to fill him with trepidation]
- deplete
- to use up
- penury
- extreme poverty
- subtle
- difficult to detect or understand (ant: flagrant, conspicuous, obtrusive)
- hypocrite
- a person who claims to be what he is not
- dissent
- to disagree (ant: acquiesce)
- contentious
- quarrelsome, fond of arguing [*RELATED TO CONTEND, NOT RELATED TO CONTENT OR CONTENTMENT] (syn: cantankerous, pugnacious; ant:pacifistic)
- furtive
- secretive, stealthy (syn: surreptitious)
- tranquil
- calm, peaceful [*tranquilizers make people tranquil] (syn: serene; ant: turbulent)
- profuse
- very abundant; giving freely (syn: copious)
- pacifist
- a person who favors peace [*root pac- means peace. a pacifist is not cantankerous or pugnacious]
- wither
- to become dry or lifeless (syn: atrophy; ant: burgeon, flourish)
- garrulous
- talkative (syn: voluble; ant: taciturn, reticent)
- advocate
- to support; to speak in favor of [*to advocate a cause is to be vocal in favor of it] (syn: endorse)
- cognizant
- aware [*comes fromt the same root as recogniz] (ant: unwitting)
- clemency
- mercy; gentleness in punishing
- mitigate
- to relieve, lessen, alleviate (syn: assauge)
- inception
- beginning
- burgeon
- to grow rapidly (syn: prolifrate, flourish; ant: atrophy, wither)
- accolade
- praise; a statement of approval (syn: commendation; ant: invective)
- discursive
- ramblin, unfocused [*nearly alwaysed used to describee a lecture or speech that wanders from topic to topic] (syn: desultory, erratic)
- audacity
- boldness (ant: diffidence, trepidation)
- arable
- fit to grow plants on [*DONT CONFUSE WITH ARID, UNRELATED!!!] (syn: fertile; ant: barren)
- enigmatic
- mysterious, puzzling (syn: obscure,esoteric, cryptic, inscrutable, abstruse; ant: comprehensible
- stolid
- unemotional; not easily excited [*think of solid. if you're solid, like ice, you're unemotional. if you're like wateer, you cry alot] (ant:fervent)
- gregarious
- friedly, sociable [*DONT CONFUSE WITH GARRULOUS] (syn: amicable, affable, cordial)
- viable
- workable; able to reamin alive [*root vi- means life and shows up again in vivid]
- verbose
- wordy [*root verb- means word] (ant: succinct, terse)
- incontrovertible
- indisputable, undeniable [*its like not + controversy + able]
- flagrant
- obvious, blatant (syn:conspicuous, obtrusive; ant: subtle)
- squander
- to waste; to spend foolishly [*DONT CONFUSE WITH SQUALOR!]
- contemporary
- modern [*root -temp- means time] (ant:archaic)
- dearth
- scarcity, limited supply (sym: paucity; ant: copiousness, plethora)
- alacrity
- eagerness, cheeful willingness (syn: dispatch)
- miser
- a person who saves money excessively [*a miser is someone who is parsimonious not munificent]
- expedite
- to speed up [*think as ex-speed-ite] (syn: facilitate)
- revere
- to respect, admire (syn: venerate; ant: deride)
- adulation
- excessive praise [*DONT CONFUSE WITH ADULTERATE]
- vilify
- to speak ill of; to slander (syn: disparage, castigate, defame, deprecate; ant: commend, adulate, elogize, extol)
- altruistic
- concerned for the welfare of others (ant: apathy)
- indifferent
- having no preference (syn: impartial, objective, unbiased; ant: partisan)
- articulate
- able to speak clearly and effectively
- coherent
- consistent; logically conncected