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abnormal psychology


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Biological Perspectives ( Wilhelm Grisinger)
Abnormal behavior can be explaned as a brain pathology
Structural causes of Abnormality cam occur in 3 areas of the brain
Ceberal Cortex, hypothalamus, Limbic system
humanist and external theories
conform to demands of others instead of pursuing own values and potentials
is the person uncomfortable as a result of the behaviro or symptom?
Gheel (belgium)
residents took mentally ill into their homes and prayed for a cure
is the behavior higly unusual
Reuptake occurs when
the neurons that initally released the neurotransmitter into synapse reabsorbes the neurotransmitter
mental disorders
some cultures you grieave for a short period of time and some longer
hypothalamic-pituitary- adrinal axis ( HPA Axis )
dysregualation of HPA results in difficulty effectively managing stress.. Linked to depression anxiety and other psychological disorders
family systems thories
famillies create and maintain mental disorders in individual family maintain homostasias
Standard 4 mental illness
is the behavior caused by an identifiable disease? there is nor medical test that identifies this process if it does exist
Behaviorism ( John watson ) US
Explained human behavior in behaviorist terms
United states hospital equally as bad
electric shocks, hot or cold water, starvation, heavey restrains, blood letting
does the symptom cause the person to be unable to function properly
Behaviorism ( Wilhelm Wundt) Germany
first experimintal psychology lab
William Tuke
opened the retreat ( treated mentally ill with dignity and encouraged prosocial behavior )
behavioral theories
symptoms of mental dissoreders due to reinforcements and punishments for specific behaviors and feelings
psychodynamic theories
unconscious conflicts between primitive desires and constraints gives rise to mental illness
Structural Theries
abnormalities in the structure of the brain cause mental disorders
operant conditioning (Thorndike, Skinner)
behaviors shaped by rewards in punishments
Humanistic Theories ( Carl Rogers)
Client Centered Therapy, Relies entirley on empathy
social and interpersonal approaches
focus more on the larger social structures withen an individual lives
cognitive theories
peoples ways of interpreting situtuations thier assumptions about hte world and self concepts can negative feelings and behaviors
Behaviorism ( El Thorndike and BF Skinner) US
operant/ insturmental conditioning
Albert ellis
creator of rational emotive therapy ( he had a fear of speaking to women )
Phillippe Pinel (France)
Allowd residents to walk freely in hospital, provided clean, well lit, comfortable living conditions, Trained nurses in therapist
The Vulnerability stress model of psychopathology os usally refered to as
diathesis stress model
Early perspective on Abnormality- supernatural theories
mental illnes is a result of divine intervention
risk factor
Biopsychosocial Model
Mental illness is a result of Several Factors each of wich interacts with other factors, bilogical varibles, psychological factors, social varibles
Contemporary theories ( social)
emphaisis on interpersonal realtionships and social environment
Observational learning (Bandura)
individual observations rewards in punishments recieved by others
Act for regulating madhouses (england)
requried physician, surgeon, or apothecary to sign certificate in order to admit patient ( only applied to paying residents of private facilitties)
Regulates eating, drinking, sexual behaviors, influences basic emotions
Biochemical Theories
Imbalances in the levels of neurotransmitters or hormones or poor functioning of receptors cause mental disorders
early perspectives on abnormality- psychological theories
mental illness is a result of an interaction of environmental and genetic factors
what is abnormal
devation from the norm
Early Perspecitve on Abnormality- Biological theories
Mental illness is similar to pysical diease
does the beahavior prevent normal daily function
degradation occurs when
the receiving neuron relases an enzyme into the synapse that breaks down the neurtransmitter into other biochemicals
stnadered 1 cultural relativism
abnormality depends upon cultural norms
Standard 3 Discomfort
some argue that behavior is only abnormal if the individual suffers as a result and wishes to alter it... some thrapist object to this beacuse people are not always aware of problems that their behavior may create for themselves or others
social structural theories
societies create mental disorders in individuals by lutting them under unbearable stress and by sactioning abnormal behaviors
is abnormal always bad
no, high iq, athletic talent. musical abilities
Contemporary theories (biological)
Emphasis on biological.. genetics
biochemical causes of abnormality
the brain needs a number of chemicals to operate properly.. neurotransmitters are biochemical messengers.
Modeling ( Bandura )
behaviors learned by imitating others
interferes with ability to function normally in life. simply being different from the norm is not sufficient for a diagnosis
Thoma Szasz
Says there are not such thing as mental illness " nobody has a position to describe a label
Genetic Thirues
Disordered genes lead to mental disorders
types of cognition (beck) control bealifs
learned helplessness
Some common Global dysfuntional assumptions
I should be loved by eveyone for everything i do... once something affects my life it will always effect my life
Psychoanalytic perspective (Franz Anton Mesmer) Austria
magnetic fluid in body must be distrubuted properly to maintain mental health
Classical Conditioning (Pavlov)
pair neutural stimulus with naturally sailent stimulus, neutural stimulus becomes associatied with sailent stimulus
Psychoanalytic Perspective ( Sigmond Freud)
Mental illness is the result of unresolved unconscious conflicts from childhood
asylums first appeared in
europe in 12th century
humanistic and existential theoris of abnormality
suggest that all humans strive to fulfill their potential for good and to sex actualize. the inability to fulfill ones potntial arrives from the pressure of society to conform to others expectation and values and from exisetial anxieties
Limbic system
Regulates similar behaviors and emtions
Behaviorism ( Ivan Pavlov ) Russia
Classical conditioning
Dorothea Dix ( United States ) Campaigned for
better hospitals, better treatment for mentally ill, better qualifaications for mental health practiitoners
interpersonal theores
mental disorders are result of long standing patterns of negative realationships that have roots in early caregivers
Standard 2 unusualness
is the behavior reare....(depends in part of the norms in that behavior in a culture)
agressive behavior
some cultures can view a certain type of behavior as being aggressive and others not
Ceberal Cortex
advances thinking process, Phineas Gage
London mental hospital (bedlam)
residents were confined lived in filth displayed to public for free, and forced to beg for money on the streets
Biological Perspectives ( Emil Kraeplin)
Devoloped system of classification for mental disorders, emphazised importance of brain pathology
standard 5 maladaptiveness
dysfuntion- does the beahavior prevent normal daily function? Distress- does the person suffer distress? Deviance? is the behavior higly unusual
in the middle ages mentally ill were thoght to demonstrate
demon possession, withcraft which led to in humane treatment
Contemporary theories ( psychological )
empahsis on psychological factors such as early childhood experinces and self help
Endorcine system
systems of glands that produce hormones which are released into the blood and carred thoroghout the body ( hormones influence among other things, mood, energy levels, and stress responce)
what is abnormal
cultural realativism, unusuakbess if behavior, dissomfort of the person exhibiting the behavior, mental illness, maladaptiveness
does the person suffer distress?
types of cognition (beck) cassual attributions
how might attributions influence or be influenced by psychopathology

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