Vocab 3/13
undefined, object
copy deck
- a poem that tells of the mythical deeds of heroes
- epic
- death of a person in a high position
- demise
- pregnancy
- gestation
- malicious damage done to someone's reputation
- defamation
- seriousness
- gravity
- to charge with a crime
- indict
- living at the same time
- contemporary
- a dead body
- cadaver
- tending to oppose change
- conservative
- a disease of the intestines that causes diarrhea
- cholera
- outer skin
- epidermis
- limited
- finite
- a lake
- loch
- to make beautiful by adding features
- embellish
- a criminal
- felon
- to reduce to ashes
- incinerate
- white or glowing with heat
- incandescent
- to place close together
- juxtapose
- native to a particular region or country
- endemic
- importance
- magnitude
- blameless
- impeccable
- stead of
- lieu
- great destruction
- carnage
- a figure with 6 sides
- hexagon
- to adapt to a new environment
- assimilate
- the denial of the existence of God
- atheism
- open to new ideas
- liberal
- to annoy
- badger
- strong point
- forte
- an image of likeness
- icon