Unit 2 Vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- Arid
- Extremely dry
- Contemporary
- Belong to the same period of time as oneslef
- Encompass
- To encirde or enclose
- Mimicia
- A person who does imitations; to make fun of
- Anssailant
- A person who attacks violently
- Manipulate
- To use skillfully; to control for personal gain
- Ruffle
- To wrinkle or make uneven
- Stamina
- The strength to keep going
- Constrain
- To force
- Depict
- To portray;to represent in the flim of pic
- Advers
- Unfavoralde; negative
- Disinterested
- Fair-minded, indifferent
- Billow
- A large wave
- Maximum
- The greatest amount possible
- Confront
- To meet face to-face
- Hypocrite
- A persom who pretends to be what he or she is not
- Serene
- Peaceful,calm
- Incomprehensible
- Impossible to understand
- Groundless
- Without any good nesson
- Sheepish
- Emborassed;timid