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- carbohydrates
- an organic compound present in teh cells of all living things and a major organic nutrient for humans
- Decomposers
- they break down dead plant & animal waste, recycling carbon & nitrogen
- Fermenting & Proteolytic
- are important in food processing & production
- host cell
- ???????
- antibiotic resistance
- When bacteria under a mutation that makes them no longer susceptible to an antibiotic they develop what
- Cell Wall
- Protects the cell & gives it shape.
- phylum Cyanobacteria
- they have no chloroplast but they are photosynthesis
- Gram positive bacterium
- a bacterium taht stains purple with Gram staqin and that usually lacks an outer covering on its cell wall
- Actinomycetes
- gram positive bacteria that grow in soil & produce many antibiotics
- facultative anaerobes
- Those that can live in the presence of O2, but don't need it
- psychrophiles
- Bacteria that grow only in cold temperatures, -5-200C
- nitrogen-fixation
- The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into compounds, such as ammonia, by natural agencies or various industrial processes.
- obligate anaerobes.
- Bacteria that cannot survive in the presence of O2
- Antibiotics
- are drugs that inhibit growth of or kill other microscopic organisms
- biopesticides
- ?????
- virus
- a nonlivinginfestous particle composed of the nucleic acid and a protein coat
- Plasmid
- Extra-chromosomal DNA found in some bacteria that carries some genes obtained by genetic recombination
- toxins
- toxic
- Chromosome
- Large single circular DNA strand that carries inherited genes
- Rhizobium
- nitrogen-fixing that lives symbiotically with plants such as beans, soybeans, peas, alfalfa & clover
- Gram negetive bacterium
- a bacterium that stains pink with Gram Stain and usually has an outer covering on its cell wall
- pathogen
- any disease producing organism
- bioengineering
- the application of engineering principles and techniques to problems in medicine and biology, as the design and production of artificial limbs and organs.
- thermophiles
- bacteria with optimal growth between 50-800C
- eutrophication
- Cyanobacteria thrive on nitrates & phosphates that accumulate in ponds, lakes & streams due to fertilizer run off
- mesophiles
- bacterai with optimal growth between 20-500C
- Hans Christian Gram
- The single most important procedure used to begin the classification of bacteria was developed in the late 1800s and is known as Gram Stain
- Kirby-Bauer method
- ???????????????
- Gram Stain
- a series of dyes that stain bacteria either purple of pink according to the chemistry of teh bacterial cell wall
- Capsule & slime layer
- Outer covering of some bacteria made of polysaccharides that protect the cell against drying & allow it to cling to surfaces.
- obligate aerobes
- bacteria that can't live without O2
- extremophiles
- organims live in very harsh environments
- Cell Membrane
- Regulates passage of materials into & out of the cell; contains enzymes important for cellular respiration
- photoautotroph
- Autotrophic bacteria that use sunlight as an energy source
- strains
- species
- Exotoxins
- are proteins secreted by organisms into the environment that damages host cells.
- autotrophic
- an organism that uses energy to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic substances
- prokaryotes
- a unicellular organism that lasks a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
- Bacillus
- a rod shaped eubacteria
- Transduction
- occurs when a virus picks up a fragment of DNA from one bacterium as it is being replicated, then when released, introduces that DNA fragment into a new host cell
- Autotrophs
- fix CO2 into organic compounds & produce O2 as a byproduct
- Endospore
- A dormant structure produced by some bacteria exposed to harsh conditions like heat or drought.
- Endotoxins
- are lipids & carbohydrates that are part of the gram - bacterial outer membrane that are released when a bacterium dies.
- chemosynthesis
- the production of carbonhydrates through the use of energy from inorganic molecules instead of light
- Salmonella
- a common cause of food borne illness.
- Pilus
- Hair-like protein structures found in some bacteria that assist in attachment to other surfaces & functions during conjugation
- anaerobic
- (of an organism or tissue) living in the absence of air or free oxygen.
- bioremediation
- ?????
- mutual symbiotic
- ????????
- pathology
- study of disease
- Cytoplasm
- Internal space containing DNA, ribosomes & organic compounds
- Transformation
- occurs when bacteria pick up DNA fragments from their environment
- safranin
- any of a class of chiefly red organic dyes, phenazine derivatives, used for dyeing wool, silk, etc.
- Chemoautotrophs
- gram negative bacteria that can gain energy by oxidizing minerals
- saprophytes
- Heterotrophic bacteria that feed on dead & decaying organic material
- absorptive heterotrophs
- ???????//
- acidophiles
- can grow in environments with a pH of <2.0.
- industrial chemical production
- ????????
- oxidizing
- to convert (an element) into an oxide; combine with oxygen
- Cocci
- sphere shaped eubacteria
- eubacteria
- the lineage of prokaryotes that includes all contemporary bacteria except archaebacteria
- species
- a group of organims of a single type that are capable of producing fertile offspring in teh natural environment
- E. coli
- example of enteric bacteria and live in the intestine & produce vitamin K for the host
- aerobic
- (of an organism or tissue) requiring the presence of air or free oxygen for life.
- Spirilla
- curved spiral shaped eubacteria
- Conjugation
- involves the transfer of plasmid DNA from on bacterium to another through a sex pilus.
- Enteric bacteria
- gram negative heterotrophs that can be either aerobic or anaerobic & commonly inhabit the intestines of mammals
- peptidoglycan
- a protein-carbohydrate compund found in the cell walls of bacteria