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Science Midterm vocab words

thanks emily!


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hydroelectric energy
energy produced by running water
smallest unit of an element
oceanic crust
material that makes up the ocean floor
geothermal energy
energy contained in and available from water heated by magma or gases within the earth
brownish-black material produced by a parcial decomposition of plant remains
continental drift
a hypothesis that states that the continents had drifted
name meaning "all lands"
ocean trench
deep valley in the ocean floor that forms along a subduction zone
shet of hardened magma that forms betwwen and parallel to layers of rock
deposit of minerals from which metals and nonmetals can be profitably removed
ability to grow during and after exposure to ultraviolet light
name meaning "all seas"
nuclear fussion
combination of the nuclei of small atoms to form to form a larger nucleus
sedimentary rocks formed from minerals left after water evaporates
nuclear fission
splitting of the nucleus of a large atom into a smaller nuclei
nodule of rock with a different composition from that of the main rock body
ionic bond
bond in which electrons are transferred from one atom to another
subduction zone
region where onlithosphere playe moves under another
subatomic particle with a negative electrical charge
igneous rock
rock formed from cooled and hardened magma
atom or group of atoms that carries an electrical charge
flat-bottomed intrusion that pushes overlying rock layers into an arc
energy level
arrangement of electrons within the electron cloud of an atom
nonmetallic mineral that is brilliant and colorful when cut
material that contains two or more substances that are not chemically combined
region in the center of an atom that contains the protons and neutrons
igneous intrusion with an area less that 100 square kilometers
crude oil
unrefined petrolium
consisting of two atoms
Mid-Atlantic Ocean
an undersea mountain range with a steep, narrow valley running down its center
extrusive igneous rocks
rocks formed from molten lava that hardens on the earth's surface
atom of an element that has the same atomic number but different atomic mass than another atom of that element
bending of a light ray as it passes from one substance to another
compound made up of carbon and hydrogen
intrusive igneous rock
rocks formed from the cooling of magma beneath the earth's surface
covalent bond
bond based on the attraction between atoms that share electrons
sedimentary rock composed of rounded gravel or pebbles cemented together by minerals
physical form of matter that does not have a definate shape or volume
not made up of living organisms or the remains of living organisms
ability to grow under ultraviolet light
physical property
characteristic that is observable in a substance without changing the chemical compisition of a substance
trace or remains of a plant or an animal in sedimentary rock
covalent compound
compund formed from atoms that share electrons
seafloor spreading
when the ocean floor moves away from the ridge and is replaced by rsing magma that cools and solidified into new rock
island arc
chain of volcanic islands formed along an ocean trench
chemical deprived from petrolium
mixture in which one substance is uniformly dispersed is another substance
describing an igneous rock composed of both large and small crystals
process in which plant materials are changed into carbon
bituminous coal
soft coal
nonsilicate mineral
mineral that does not contain silicon
changing of one type of rock to another by heat, pressure, and chemical processes
placer deposit
fragments of native metals that are concentrated in layers at the bottom of a stream bed
natural inorganic, crytalline solid found in the earth's crust
silicon-oxygen tetrahedon
four oxygen atoms arranged in a pyramid with one silicon atom in the center
describing a metamorphic rock with parallel bands
rift valley
steep, narrow, valley formed as lithosphere plates,seperate
convection current
movemt in a fluid caused by uneven heating
periodic table
system for classifying the elements
natural soild substance that has a definate internal pattern
mid-ocean ridges
system of undersea mountain ranges that wind their way around earth
chemical property
characteristic that describes how a substance interacts with other subsatnces to produce different kinds of matter
chemical sedimentary rock
rock formed from minerals that precipitate from water
light reflected from the surface of a mineral
nonrenewable resource
substance of limited supply that cannot be replaced
lave plateau
raised, flat-topped area made of layers of hardened lava
ionic compound
compund formed throught the transfer of electron
solid solution of two or more metals
atomic number
number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
narrow band of mineral deposits in rock
mass number
sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons
thin outer shell of the earth consisting of the crust and the rigid upper mantle
intrusive formations with at least a surface exposure of 100 square kilometers and reaching a depth of thousands of meters
sedimentary rock
rock formed from hardened deposits of sediment
subatomic particle with no electrical charge
silicate mineral
mineral that contains atoms of silicon and oxygen
clastic sedimentary rock
rock made up of fragments from pre-existing rocks
ratio of the mass of a substance to its volume
contact metamorphisim
change in the structure and mineral composition of rock surrounding an igneous intrusion
deposit formed by thick mineral veins
brown cola
air pollution formed from a mixture of dust and chemicals
elastic sedimentary rock composed of angular fragements cemented together by minerals
plate techtonics
theory that the lithosphere is made up of plates that float on the athenosphere and that the plates posible are moved by convection currents
layering of sedimentary rock
chemical formula
symbols indicating the elements a property contains and dthe relative number of each element
igneous intrusion that cuts across rock layers
subatomic particle with a positive electrical charge
process in which air and water are squeezed out of sediments, resulting in the formation of sedimentary rock
fossil fuel
fuel formed from the remains of living organisms, such as coal, petrolium, and natural gas
splitting of a mineral along smooth flat surfaces
continental crust
material that makes up landmasses
solar collector
device for capturing solar energy
organic sedimentary rock
rock formed from the remains of organisms
physical form of matter with a definate shape and volume
smallest complete unit of a compound
transform boundry
boundary formed where two lithospheric plates slide past each other
scientist who specializes in the study of minerals
metamorphic rock
rock formed from other rocks as a result of intense heat, pressure, or chemical processes
fragments that result from the breaking of rocks, minerals, and organic matter
divergent boundry
boundry formed by two lithospheric plates that are moving apart
process in which dissolved minerals left by water passing through sediments bind the sediments together
Mohs hardness scale
standard against which the hardness of a mineral is tested
color of a mineral in powder form
rock cycle
series of processes in which rock changes from one type to another and back again
measure of the ability of a mineral to resist scratching
describing a metamorphic rock without parallel bands
zone of mantle beneath th elithosphere that consists of slowly flowing solid rock
regional metamorphisim
metamorphism that affects rocks over large areas during periods of tectonic activity
physical form of matter with a definate volume but no definate shape
rock-forming mineral
any common mineral that forms the earth's crust
a substance that results when the atoms of two or more elements are chemically combined
double refraction
property exhibited by transparent minerals that produce a double image of any object viewed through them.
hardest form of coal
volcanic neck
solidified central vent of a volcano
substance that takes up space and has mass
electron cloud
region of space around the nucleus of an atom in which electrons may be found
chemical bond
force that holds togehter the atoms that make up a compound

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