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Envir. Geo ch. 2 (Rocks & Minerals - A First Look)


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smallest particle still retaining the chemical characteristics of an element
center of an atom, with one or more protons and some neutrons (except in H); circled by electrons
atomic mass number
protons + neutrons
same element, but diff atomic mass number b/c diff # of neutrons
atom without an equal number of protons and electrons
positively charged ion (lost electrons)
negatively charged ion (gained electrons)
ionic bond
attraction between oppositely charged ions
covalent bond
atoms sharing electrons
atoms of different elements bond together in specific proportions
naturally ocurring, inorganic, solid element or compound with a specific chem. comp. and internal crystal structure
mineral identification
look at combo of color, hardness, cleavage, luster, density, magnetism
most abundant group of minerals; silicon, oxygen, probably other. Quartz, feldspars, ferromagnesians, micas, clays.
sheet silicates
micas and clays; weak bonds btwn sheets
carbonates, sulfates, sulfides, oxides, native elements
native elements
nonsilicate single elements, e.g. gold, silver, diamond, copper
solid, cohesive aggregate of one or more minerals or glass
igneous rocks
formed by solidification and crystalization of cooling magma
plutonic igneous rocks
magma cools slowly deep in the earth, forming big crystals
volcanic igneous rocks
lava flows to surface while still molten and cools quickly, forming few crystals, fine-grained (often on ocean floor)
porphyry igneous rocks
formed while magma moved toward surface, so big and little crystals
general igneous rock characteristics
tightly interlocking crystals, or crystals embedded in glass; angular rather than rounded crystals; little pore space; structurally strong
sedimentary rocks
formed by compaction/cementation of sediments
the set of processes transforming sediment into rocks
clastic sedimentary rocks
formed from products of other broken up rocks (lots of pore space)
chemical sedimentary rocks
from crystals formed by precipitation or growth from a solution (e.g. limestone, rock salt)
metamorphic rocks
formed from preexisting rock subjected to heat and pressure (rock is solid, but minerals break down, form, change shape)
contact metamorphism
heated by adjacent rising lava
regional metamorphism
pressure and heat from mountain-building or plate-tectonic movements
metamorphic texture formed by directed stretch, creating parallel stretched crystals
a type of foliation
a type of striated foliation

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