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socials 11 Idealogies


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Adam Smith
Power often lies with educated and influential people - elite/upper class. No way to ensure needs of all social classes will be met.
Workers should own the "means of production", profits evenly distributed to workers, not factory owners. Classless society, all re equal. Government owns all property. Revolution required for true communism.
Favors a careful, slow approach to change. Cautious view of human nature. Need tough laws. Big faith in private business, big economic freedom to industry. If businesses thrive, economy will be healthy and people will have jobs and money. Govt interferenc
Power in hands of officials elected by majority. All citizens have say in govt. Decision-making is less effective when elected officials are trying to please all the citizens in order to stay in power
Power in hands of one individual who usually has support of military.
Differences of Communism and Fascism
1. Communism looks to future, Fascism linked to the past. 2. Communism based on democracy, Fascism believes democracy makes nations weak. 3. Communism=equality, Fascism=strict social order
Edmund Burke
King should have authority over elected parliament, business of governing should be left to those who had the most to gain or lose from a well-governed country (ex: wealthy landowners)
Authoritarian, anti-deomcratic ideology. Places corporate society above the individual. Stress absolute obedience. Their race of people are superior to all others. Try to dominate other "inferior" nations and "purify" their nation. Military-based.
Fascism and ____ are opposites to each other ideologically
Founders of Fascism
Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
In this ideology, violence is justified to achieve economic equality
John Locke
All men have natural rights and have right to overthrow govt if it denies the man his rights. "Life, liberty, and property". Most significant thinker of Liberalism.
John Maynard Keynes
Liberalism. Govt taxheavily during good economy times to create a "slush fund" and in poor economic times it would spend from that fund
Key thinkers of communism:
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Key thinkers of Liberalism:
John Lock and John Maynard Keynes(modern liberalism)
Left Wing
Optimistic view of human nature, progress, new ideas. Laws shouldn't be restrictive. Take care of the less fortunate. Willing to let govt control/own businesses to ensure greatest good for people. Tax people more. Socialism and Communism. Liberalism (but
Stress individual liberty, freedom, and equality of opportunity. Faith in progress and human's ability to improve themselves. Look to future than past.
Main difference between Socialism and Communism
Although they have the same economic goals, communism seeks to achieve its goals through revolution while socialism works through peaceful, democratic government intervention
Power inherited, passed downthe royal family line. Allows tradition to be passed on. People have little or no say in govt. No safeguard against unsafe rulers
Fascist dictator of Italy. Believed that success in war was the only true test of a nation's greatness.
Power in hands of few individuals.
Right wing
Traditional, humans should be monitored, reduce freedom, more freedom for businesses, taxes kept at a minimum, less emphasis on social welfare programs. Conservatism and Fascism
Similarity of Communism and Fascism
Both favor total government control in order to carry out their objectives
some points of liberalism: humans are basically good and believe in progress. Community (not wealthy individuals) who control critical elements of economy. That way the govt can ensure a high level of service to the public available to all people.
The major spokesman for conservatism?
Edmund Burke
Which ideology has aristocracy in it?

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