Shelnut vocab 9 (50-END)
undefined, object
copy deck
- Pithy
- short, consise
- Placate
- to pacify; to appease
- Platitude
- a trite or weak utterance; a dull or stale truism; a cliche
- Plenitude
- an abundance
- Plausible
- seemingly or apparently valid likely to occur; acceptable
- Philology
- a love of language
- Pittance
- a very small amount
- Philosopher
- one who loves to gain wisdom
- Philistine
- a narrowminded prosaic person; smug, ignorant person held to be indifferent or antagonistic to artistic and cultural values
- Philhellenism
- a love of greeks
- Philogyny
- a love of women
- Pinnacle
- a beak, the highest point
- Philippic
- a bitter denunciation in a speech
- Pilfer, purloin, flich, loot
- to steal
- Plutocratic
- having great influence due to money; governing by the wealthy
- Phlebotomy
- process of cutting a vein so that blood is released
- Philharmonic
- loving music
- Philanthropist
- a lover of humanity