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Bio. Anthropology


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is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in humans
foriegn substances in the body
phagocytes Aka: Macrophage
are cells within the tissues that originate from specific white blood cells
infectious agent that is unable to grow or reproduce outside a host cell.
Sickled Red Blood Cell (sickle shape)
blood cells get sickled when oxygen is depleted too much. Causes: over exertion, altitude
polygenic trait
Polygenic traits are traits that are controlled by more than one gene, ie. height, weight, hair color, skin color
HIV is a retrovirus that primarily infects vital organs of the human immune system such as CD4+ T cells (a subset of T cells), macrophages and dendritic cells. It directly and indirectly destroys CD4+ T cells.[8] CD4+ T cells are required for the proper functioning of the immune system. When HIV kills T-4 cells so that there are fewer than 200 T cells of blood, cellular immunity is lost.
ABO blood
One of the protiens found on the surface of red blood cells. Consists of one gene w/ 3 alleles-A,B, and O
Myelin is an electrically-insulating phospholipid layer that surrounds the axons of many neurons
protiens that the body makes to destroy foriegn substances (antigens)
two different alleles of a gene that are both expressed in a heterozygous individual., When both phenotypes appear in heterozygous individuals; Examples: Blood type A crossd with B = type AB
balanced polymorphism
Maintenance of two or more alleles in a population due to the selective advantage of the heterozygote
sickle-cell disease
A point mutation occurs, red blood cells change shape, get wider, plug up entrance through capilaries. Oxygen can't get through
Human diets today compared to the past
study of epidemics in populations (quantitive)
homozygous Hb a Hb a or Hb A Hb A
(Basically meaning of the same alleles) at a specific locus when it carries two identical copies of the gene affecting a given trait on the two corresponding homologous chromosomes (e.g., the genotype is PP or pp when P and p refer to different possible alleles of the same gene). Such a cell or such an organism is called a homozygote
Normal Red Blood Cell
donut shape
behavioral diseases
it describes an individual that has 2 different alleles for a trait. In diploid organisms, the two different alleles were inherited from the organism's two parents.
list alleles, genotype,and phenotypes associated w/ABO bld grp
Alleles: A, B, O Genotypes: AA, AO >Phenotype -A Genotype: BB, BO >Phenotype B Genotype:OO > Phenotype O Genotype:AB >Phenotype AB
list alleles, genotype,and phenotypes associated w/Rh bld grp
Alleles: Rh+, Rh - Genotypes:Rh+ DD, dd Phenotypes>Rh+ Genotypes in Rh-: dd Phenotype>Rh-
A group or community that is identifiable within a species
the actual genetic makeup of an organism for a particular trait. Inherted by parents
point mutation
A change in the base sequence of a gene that results from the change of a single base to a different base; the difference between the Hb a and Hb s is onlyfound in codon #6 in DNA
Red blood cell
Hemoglobins: primary function is to carry oxygen
enviroment that might influence the various phenotypes of : polygenic traits & monogenic traits
Which phenotypes of the Rh blood group is the "universal donor", which is the "universal recipent" ? Why?
stages of human growth
consists of numerous identifiable events:Conception, Embryonic, Fetal, Childhood, Adulthood, Senescence, Exitus
attitudes that classify a person as better or worse on the basis of his or her ethnic or cultural heritage;on the basis of polygenic traits
Is a direct product of a genotype;the expression of the gene
monogenic trait
caused by a single gene locus;one allele inherted from each parent. Phenotype NOT effected by enviroment (Useful in the study of populations)
epidemiological transitions occuring from 1900-2000
Caused by a protozoa from the genus Plasmodium ; Humans are infected w/ the malaria parasite via a female mosquito
genetic polymorphism
the maintenance of two or alleles in a population
Rh blood
The Rh factor genetic information is also inherited from our parents, but it is inherited independently of the ABO blood type alleles. There are 2 different alleles for the Rh factor known as Rh+ and Rh-.
various types of genes
genetic markers
monogenic traits in which the genotype is known (used in study of populations)
the ability to make positive anatomical or physiological changes after exposure to stressful enviromental conditions
disease causing agents
Evolution of Language
heterozygous advantage ( Hb a Hb s genotype)
In a Malaria stricken enviroment the heterozygote person will have the advantage
the T-cell "tags" the anitgens, sends a signal to create antibodies
biomedical anthropology
anthropology concerned with issues of health and illness
sexual selection and human behavior
Virus life cycle
the process by which cells take in material from the external environment. Frequently after a chance collision with an appropriate surface receptor on a cell, the virus penetrates the cell, the viral genome is released from the capsid and host polymerases begin transcribing viral mRNA. New virions are assembled and released either by cell lysis or by budding off the cell membrane.
Function of the Macrophage
Their role is to engulf and then digest cellular debris and pathogens, and to stimulate other immune cells to respond to the pathogen

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