SSE 350 Test 2
Test for SSE350 Stony Brook
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- Overindulged Children
- protected
- the whole-child
- holistically
- Recommendations of Committee of Ten
- Jr High
- Lemann
- culture of projects part of the problem
- In his last book, Ogbu argues that
- affected by anti-school culture
- conflict sociologists
- problematic
- Anomic Students
- alienated
- At risk students
- limited english proficencies
- HarYou
- impacted negatively
- Racially mixed schools
- none of the above
- In 1981, Willis
- class
- Morrill Act of 1862
- higher education
- standards
- Huntington, Hirsch, and Bloom
- support
- Sociologists who adhere to the Functionalist ideology
- None of the above
- Ron Edmonds
- pioneered effective school movement
- 7 Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education
- socialization primary function
- The Cardenas-Cardenas theory of Incompatibility
- compatable
- Banks
- knowledge is culturally based
- A Curriculum of Inclusion
- Nation building experiment
- Sadovnik on educational achievement between men and women
- conservative
- Student led violence
- cultural trends in US
- Ogbu, Asian students
- all of the above
- Relating the gap in performance between black and white students
- innate racial characteristics
- According to Piaget
- stages
- when designing a curriculum for middle school
- grapple
- Bourdieu and Passeron
- all of the above
- National Commission on Civil Disorder, National Commission on Children, National Commission on Excellence in Education, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- Tournament selection
- hegemonic
- Fordham and Ogbu to succeed in school
- all of the above
- Dewey
- small scale models of society
- the curriculum
- social and cultural
- compulsory education laws
- none of the above
- Sputnik
- Schlesinger Jr
- melting pot
- Ann Arbor vs. Martin Luther King Jr. JHS
- Cardenas-Cardenas
- NY's new curriculum
- instructionist approach
- Bourdieu, Passeron, and Bernstien
- class and cultural differences are reflected in schools
- Research has shown that curricular placement
- college attendence
- Lew's "model minority" label
- misleading
- Hurn
- cultural relativism
- when designing a curriculum for early years of high school
- abstract reasoning
- today's new immigrant
- all of the above
- *****
- culturally
- cooperative learning
- academic and physical limitations
- The Elementary and Secondary Act of 65
- math and science
- Kerner Commission
- racism
- some students may resent being labeled as gifted or talented
- overwhelming
- Bernstien's code theory
- facilitate unequal knowledge
- The Respondeat Superior Principle
- protects teachers from being sued
- The Social Efficiency Curriculum
- meredocratic
- according to the hereditarian view of intelligence
- 15 points below
- social capital
- social networks and connections
- Weberian school of thought
- all of the above
- McLaren and Farahmandpur
- Marxist
- Albert Shanker
- all of the above
- Sobol
- none of the above
- Rothstein
- health problems
- Huntington believes that
- multiculturalists and culture biased
- Bourdieu's concepts of social and cultural capital
- educational inequality
- tracking
- Hawthorne effect
- Involuntary immigrants such as the African American popluations
- forces them to lose cultural identity
- Rosenthal and Jacobsen student achievement
- teacher's expectations
- According to the article, Cultural difference theorists
- social position
- Bloom defines cultural relativism as
- all of the above
- Fouron, anti-school peer pressure
- lessens
- IQ tests were originally given
- after WWII
- number 15
- none of the above
- the national defence education act
- funds improved the curriculum
- Bernstien and Ogbu
- acculturated
- according to the chapter girls
- fail
- Chapter 2, the role of schools
- conservatives
- The supremacy of federal over state laws
- 14th amendment
- Spring supports
- clashing cultures
- Ogbu's research on the use of standard English and Black English
- ambivilent
- Stotsky supports
- all of the above
- common schools
- social conformity
- According to the passage, Cultural difference theorists
- realistic about reality
- the correspondance theory
- adapt too easily, self-fufilling profacy
- the real role of curriculum is
- common culture herritage
- the past "Americanization" projects
- past immigrant groups
- Bloom, Huntington, and Hirsch perceive multiculturalism
- disease
- Glazer
- social reconstruction
- According to Basil Bernstein
- verbal skills reflect social classes
- If the American school and one central tradition
- all of the above
- Bernstien
- educational inequality
- Acculturated Students
- adopt schools culture
- Ravitch argues that
- carving up curriculum
- Relationship between schooling and job performance
- job skills
- In his 96 Ebonics article, Ogbu
- unequal power relation
- Stanto-salazar
- social capital
- Elaborate Language
- all of the above
- Admiral Hyman Rickover
- back to basics
- To grasp the magnitude of the current crisis in education it is essential to
- American family
- The IEp
- creates long term goals
- schools
- reproduce the culture
- Ogbu, black students don't do well academically
- Hawthorne effect
- Lancasterian school
- democratic
- civil religion
- myth