Vocab Review weeks 7-12
undefined, object
copy deck
- implacable
- cannot be pacified, inexorable
- cognizant
- aware
- remote
- distant; hidden away
- turbulent
- unruly, agitated
- excruciating
- agonizing, torturing
- impresario
- one who presents cultural events; organizer
- indigent
- poor, needy
- skirmish
- small fight, brief encounter
- malignant
- likely to cause death
- inclement
- unfavorable, stormy
- vexatious
- annoying
- ascend
- to rise; to go up
- fretful
- worrisome; irritable
- sinister
- evil; ominous
- blatant
- disagreeably loud; very showy
- diatribe
- a bitter or angry attack in speech or writing
- monolithic
- massively solid
- flout
- to show contempt, to scoff
- besiege
- to surround, to hem in
- sanctuary
- shelter
- solicit
- to beg or seek earnestly
- exacerbate
- to irritate, to make worse
- afflict
- to trouble greatly; to distress
- ubiquitous
- being everywhere at the same time
- adverse
- unfavorable, harmful
- bigot
- a narrow minded, predjudiced person
- succumb
- to give way; to yield
- stymie
- to hinder, to impede
- reprehensible
- worthy of blame
- harbinger
- a forerunner; advance notice