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Comm 1000 Final Review


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A form of communication in which the receivers are not present with the speaker is:

a. dyadic
b.small grou
c.mass communcation
d.public speaking
mass communcation
The physical process of berbally delivering a message is:

a. noise
d. decoding
______ is the mutual understanding of a message between a speaker and audience

b. shared meaning
d. self-concept
shared meaning
The most enduring skill taught throughout human history is:

b.public speaking
public speaking
Verbal of nonverbal listener response to a message is termed:

The ______ is a person who creates and sends a message

Interference or barriers to the communcation process are known as:

a. noise
d.environmental influences
Dyadic communcation occurs between:

a. the members of two different groups

b.two individuals
c.the speaker and an audience of unknown people

d. the speaker and an audience that can directly see one another
two indivduals
A dalog that occurs in a vusiness meeting is an example of:

c.small group communication
d.dyadic communication
small group communcation
When an audience interprets and assigns meaning to a speaker's message, this process is referred to as:

c.shared meaning
Organize the following in chronological order:

A.Outline the Speech
B.Select a Topic
C.State the Speech Purpose
D.Practice Delivering the speech
E. Analyze the audience
b e c a d
What of the following is NOT one of the 3 general purposes of a speech:

d.mark a special occasion
The thesis statement expresses the central idea of the speech and concisely identifies, in a single idea, what the speech is about:

The main points, in an informative speech, are the key argument in favor of your position:

What are the 3 major parts of a speech?

A. Introduction,Outline, Body

B. General Purpose, specific purpose,thesis statement

c. introduction,body, conclusion

d. speaking, working, comparative outline
Introduction,body, conclusion
Outline is based on the principle of:

A. Coordination and Subordination

b.ethnocentrism and egocentrism

c.hard and easy

d.working and startling

e.none of the above
coordination and subordination
What is another word for a speaking outline?

a. subordinate outline
b.presentation outline
c.evidential outline
d.working outline
presentation outline
Vocal delivery includes all of the following except:

a. volume

b. rate

c. pitch


e. gaze
The _____ restates the speech purpose and reiterates how the main point confirms it:

a. introduction


c. evidential outline

d. body

e. trasistion
_____ is a highly systematic process of getting to know your listeners in relation to your topic:

a. stalking

b.evidential analysis

c. audience analysis

d.specific analysis
audience analysis
____ listening is "closed" listening that occurs when listeners block out messages that challenge their attitudes or opinions:

a. active

b. defensive


When indivduals pay attention to certain messages and ignore others, this is called:

a. message-perception gap
b.selective perception listening
d.circular response
selective perception
Which of the following significantly reduces the audience's ability to accurately perceive information from a speaker?

a. fatigue
b. illness
c. hunger
d. all of the above
all of the above
Learning theory tells us that:

a. we understand new ideas by trying to predict their meanings

b. we cannot understand new ideas unless they are explained fully

c.we understand new ideas by comparing them with what we alre
we understand new ideas by comparing them with what we already know
nonverbal cues can cause a misunderstanding. For instance, the "thumbs up" gesture in the United States means "good job" but in Australia the same gesture is considered insulting. This is due to:

a. laziness
b. scrpitw
cultural barriers
The statesment "all politicians are crooks" is an example of:

a. critical thinking overgeneralization
c. multiple perspectives
d.a false dilemma
an overgeneralization
_____ is the physiological process of perceiving sound:

a. interpreting
b. hearing
c. circular response
d. listening
_____ listening is focused, purposeful listening that requires the listener to gather and evaluate information:

a. active
b. comprehensive
c. empathetic
d. defensive
____ is the process of constand feedback between teh speaker and the listener:

a. hearing
b. empathetic listening
c. circular response
d. selective perceptioin
circular response
Which of the following is an internal barrier to active listening?

a. Temperature of the room
b. slamming doors
c. audience members talking among themselves
d. emotional turmoil
emotional turmoil
Values are determined and transmitted:

a. only through religious insitutions

b. through the culture one grow up in

c.the same way in most countires

d. only soon to be forgotten
through the culture one grows up in
A speaker who appears truthful and sincere has the quality of:

a. trustworthiness
c. dignity
d. integrity
Ehtical conduct is a reflection of:

a. age
c. responsibilties
d. persuasion
The study of moral conduct, or how people should act toward one another, is termed:

a. ethos
b. ethics
c. ethnobiology
d. ethnography
An ethical speaker is conscious of ______ values:

a. the speaker's and all other people's

b. the speaker's and the instrustors

c. the speaker's and the audience's

d. the speaker's
the speaker's and teh audience's
Conflicting values lie at the heart of:

a. intercultural communcation
b. ethical dilemmas
c. terminal values
d. instrumental values
ethical dilemmas
Appealing to teh values of your audience:

a. is ethical regarless of the speaker's intent

b. is ethical only when the speaker respects the audience's values

c. will not really help the audience receive the speaker's messa
is ethical only when the speaker respects the audience's values
Which is NOT a way for speakers to display respect for the audience?

a. address issues only from your own point of view

b. avoid in-group and out-group distinctions

c.focus on issues rather than personalities

address issues only from your own point of view
The Greek word _____ mean "character":

a. logos
b. pathos
c. mythos
d. ethos
In order to demonstrate respect for the audience, the speaker should:

a. focus on personalities rather than issues

b. encourage in0group and out-group distincations

c. allow the audience to exercise rational choice
allow the audience to exercise rational choice
Altering one's thinking about public speaking from a _______ orientation to a ______ orientation can significantly increase your condience:

a. performance, conversational

b. performance, communcation

c. conversation, comm
performance, conversational
Public speaking anxiety (PSA) is usually attrivuted to:

a. a short amount of prep time

b. being the center of attention

c. feeling similar to teh audience

d. plenty of public speaking experience
being the center of attention
if English isn't your first language, public speaking:

a. May be a significant factor in diminishing your accent

b. will not improve your language skills

c. discourages you from using your native tongue

d. none
may be a significant factor in diminishing your accent
When you depersonalize the audience's perception of your speech, you:

a. imagine the audience is preoccupied with your personal flaws

b. increase your anxiety about preseting the speech

c. think that the audience's evalua
none of the above
Useful strategies for coping with public speaking anxiety include:

a. practice, personalize the speech evaluation, and modify thoughts/attitudes

b. visualize succes, use relaxation techniques, and personalize the speech evaluation
prepare, practice, and visualize success
PSA may occur:

a. when you know you will give a speech

b. while researching your speech

c. performing your speech

d. all of the above
all of the above
Stress-control breating and natural gestures are examples of :

a. visualizing success

b. depersonalizing the speech evaluation
c. thought and attitude modification
d. relaxation teachniques
relaxation techniques
Moving around the room while delivering your speech:

a. may capture the audience's attention

b. distracts teh audience from your argument

c. is unprofessional and rarely done

d. should only be a last resort whn
may capture the audience's attention
Anxiety experiances by a speaker just before delivering or while delivering the speech is termed:

a. pre-pperformance anxiety
b. performance anxiety
c. preparation anxiety
d. pre-prepartion anxiety
performance anxiety
______ anxiety usually occurs when your practice a speech.

a. pre-performance ax
b. performance ax
c. preparation ax
d. pre-prepartion ax
pre-performance ax
collectivist culture:

a. is most evident in teh US

b. emphasizes group needs

c. is not a value-dimension

d. is less common that individualist culture
emphasizes group needs
It is important to uncover the audience's feeling toward:

a. the topic of your speech
b. you as a speaker
c. the occassion of the sppech
d. all of the above
all of the above
Gender sterotypes:

a. have no relationship with language
b. are only geared toward women
c. take into consideration socail factors that affect gender identity
d. are not used by sensitive speakers
are not used by sensitive speakers
in an interview, ______ questions are particularly useful for probing beliefs and opinions:

a. fixed alternative
b. scale
c. closed-ended
d. open-ended
______allow a mix of open-ended and closed-ended questions:

a. written sources
b. both interviews and surveys
c. interviews
d. surveys
both interviews and surveys
Surveys that use _____questions measure the respondent's level of agreement or disagreement with specific issues:

a. questionnaire
b. scale
c. interview
d. fixed alternative
people's judgments about what is good and bad in life are called:

which of the following would not be considered a demographic?

b religion
c.religion ethnics or cultural background
d. self esteem
self esteem
when analyzing your audience, you should consider:

a. the audience's level of education
b. teh audience's socioeconomic status
c. teh audience's political affiliations
d. all of the above
all of teh above
which of the following characteristics is usually the most annoying to teh audience?

a. speaker's disregard of time

b. uncomfortable chairs

c. speech topic

d. speaker's physical apperance
speaker's disregard of time
A speech whose purpose is to effect some degree of change is called:

a. persuasive
b. commemorative
c. informative
d. innovative
if a speech topic is assigned to you, you must still decide on:

a. location
b. name of the event
c. a speech purpose or goal
d. who will attend
a speech purpose or goal
selecting a ______ for a speech is often the most difficult part of preparing a public speech:

a. thesis statement
b. topic
c. general purpose
d. specific purpose
Which of the following is not a grassroots issue?

a. school board elections
b. an unvolved murder case
c. closing down a library
d. a national increase in military spending
a national increase in military spending
the thesis statement should be worded in a way that will motivate the audience to listen. This can be accomplished by:

a. using the correct combo of nouns and verbs

b. emphasizing gestures and vocal expression

c. pointing
pointing out the relevance of the topic to teh audience
Controversial topics can generate audience interest because:

a. most people have very strong opinions about those topics

b. listeners are always open to ideas tha toppose their values

c. audiences are generally antagonist
most people have very strong opinions about those topics
A _____ purpose expresses both the specific purpose of teh speech and the general purpose of teh speaker's objectives:

a. personal
b. specific
c. preliminary
d. extended
A speech about how to change the oil in a car is an example of a _____ speech?

a. entertainment
b. special occassion
c. informative
d. persuasive
topic mappying is a kind of ______ technique:

a. brainstorming
b. word assocation
c. listing
d. persuasive
public speeches are classified according to what three general purposes?

a. current events, controversial issues, and local issues

b. objects, people, and events

c. inform, persuade, and mark a special occassion

inform, persuade, and mark a special occassion
Quality support material serves all of the following funcations except:

a. illustrates or clarifies a point

b. elaborates on an idea

c. substantiates that a statement is correct

d. negatively effect speak credi
negatively effects speaker cedibility
as supporting material in a speech, narratives should:

a. never be personal experiences

b. encourage identification on teh part of the listener

c. not be stories from plays, novels, or films

d. always be brief
b. encourage identification on teh part of the listener
Documented occurrences that include events, dates, times, people, and places are called:

a. testimony
b. examples
c. facts
d. stats
Firsthand findings, eyewitness accounts, and opoinions that directly suppport a fact or an assertion are called:

a. stats
b. facts
c. testimony
d. examples
anecdotes are brief narratives or stories that:

a. tell an interesting, humorous, or real-life incident

b. recount only perosnal experiances of the speaker

c. are only used in speeches of introduction

d. should
tell an interesting, humorous, or real-life incident
A _____ example supposes waht could happen in the future if certain things ever occurred:

a. extended example
b. hypothetical ex
c. brief ex
d. narrative ex
hypothetical ex
expert testimony includes finding, eyewitness accounts, or opoinions by professional who are trainsed to evaluate or report on a given topic:

"The state with the second highest divorce rate is Oklahoma" This statement is an ex of a:

a. lay testimony
b. narrative
c. fact
d. brief ex
A survivor of the world Trade Center attacks on Sept 11 2001 can serve as:

a. expert testimony
b. lay testimony
lay testimony

a. demonstrate relationships
b. can only be descriptive
c. are never biased
d. are not an effective type of supporting material
demonstrate relationships
classical rhetoricians termed the process of selcting information to illustrate or prove your points as _____:

a. arrangement
b. invention
c. style
d. delivery
e. memory
Classical rhetoricians termed teh process of selecting info to illustrate or prove your points as ______

a. arrangment
b. invention
c. style
d. delivery
e. memory

a. is a less serious offense than plagiarism

b. may refer to concealing the anonymity of a souce

b. may mean changing quotes so they are sonsistent with your argument

d. none of the above
may mean changing quotes so they are consistent with your argument
when preparing for an interview, you should not:

a. make sure your questions are relevent to the speech you will give

b. begin with the most controverstial questions

c. avoid direct questions

d. have a written
begin with the most controverial question
_____ will probably be a useful reference book if your speech deals with geography:

a. a general encycopedia

b. an atlas

c. an almanac

d. a periodical
an atlas
You neeed to seek permission to record an intereview:

a. only when interviewing people you know.
b. only when intereviewing someone famous
c. only when you will be directly quoting the interviewee
d. when intereviewing anyone
when intereviwing anyone
______ questions encourage a certain, expected response from the person you are intereveiwing:

a. vague
b. leading
c. hostile
d. none of the above
hostile questions:

a. encourage a certain response

b. should not be taped

c. reinforce the intereviewer's agenda

d. an usually ethical
reinforce the intereview'ers agenda
Which of the following is not a secondary source?

a. governemnt document
b. online database
c. person you intereviewed
d. periodical
person you intereviewed
which of the following is a primary source

a. original civil war letter
b. eric database
c. method article
d. any etiquette book
original civil war letter
in critically evaluating secondary resources, you should:

a. consider teh reputation of the publisher

b. consider the author's experience and background

c. think about how the date fo publication affects the value of the
all of the above
A speech that contains only those points that are implied by the purpose and thesis statement is said to have:

a. parallel form
b. unity
c. coherence
d. balance
listeners have a better recall of the main points made at the _____ of the speech than those made in the middle:

a. beginning
b. beginning and end
c. end
d. arragement
beginning and end
which of the following will cause a lack of balance?

a. giving equal weight to each of your main points

b. having the introduction and conclusion both be equal in length

c. attempting to compensate for skimpy evidence wit
attempting to compensate for skimpy evidence with a lenghthy info
which part of a speech establishes the purose of the speech, shows its relebancve to the audience, and serves as a map of where teh speaker is taking the audience?

a. trasistions
b. introduction
c. conclusion
d. body
the ______ expresses the theme or central idea of the speech:

a. thesis
b. specific purpose
c. trasitions
d. general purpose
Words, phrases, or sentences that tie the speech ideas together and enable the speaker to move smoothly from one point to teh next are called:

a. transitions
b. phrases
c. balance
d. unity
The body of the speech consists of what three main parts?

a. intro, main points, and trasistions
b. main points, supporting points, and trasistions
c. main points, body, and transitions
d. intro, body, conclusion
main points, supporting points, and trasitions
which of teh following is a function of trasistions:

a. to compare adn contrast
b. to move among main points
c. to move among supporting points
d. all of the above
all of the above
A main points in a speech should generally discuss how many idea(s)?

a. one

b. two

c. between one and three

d. four

e. four hundred and fifty seven
which one of the following sentences is an effectvely and declaratively stated main point?

a. "don't you think we should fix the educational system?"

b. The educational system must be fixed"

c. "i thin
the educational system must be fixed
A ______ pattern follows the natural equential order of the main points:

a. chronological
b. causal
c. spatial-geographical
d. problem-solution
you can use a topical pattern of arrangement when:

a. your main points must be in order of importance

b. your main points can be arranged in any order

c. you do not need to arrange the main points at all

d. you
you main points can be arranged in any order
which pattern of speech arrangement organizes main points according to area or location?

a. problem-solution
b. topical
c. chronological
d. spatial/geopraphical
the chronological pattern of arrangement:

a. can be easily rearranged without causing misunderstanding

b. should only be used when explicitly discussing history

c. is well-suited to describing steps in a process

is well0suited to describing steps in a process
Problem-solution speech often invovle:

a. a cause-effect relationship

b. more main points than causal speeches

c. a proposed solution

d. all of the above
all of the above
when a topic is of a causal nature but the causal relationship is not widely established, a _______ may be required:

a. problem-solution arrangement

b. cause-effect arr.

c. chronological arr.

d. topical arr.
problem-solution arr
linear chronological arrangements:

a. should be understood equally by all

b. do not need to take cultural diversity into account

c. may be misunderstood by those who understand time holistically

d. are not comm
may be misunderstood by those who understand time holistically
When the topic is of a causal nature:

a. causes should usually be desbribed before effects

b. a geogrphical pattern of arr should be used

c. the speaker should laways focus on one cause only

d. the speaker shou
causes should usually be described before effects
A ______ pattern of organization describes a series of developments in time

a. choronological
b. spatial
c. causal
d. topical
a spatial-geographical pattern of arrangement would probably be most useful in describing which of teh following?

a. the reasons behind a political decision

b. teh architecture of a monument

c. the histroical development
the archetecture of a momument
A _____ outline will come in most handy in case you experience stage fright:

a. key word

b. phrase

c. full sentence

d. speaking
full sent
you might want to have a sentence outline for which of the following reasons?

a. because you are very experienced as a speaker

b. because you will get your point across regardless of teh particular words you use

c. becaus
bc must of teh speech relies on direct quotes
you hsould write your working outline in full sent bc?

a. you will be foreced to pay attention to the logic of your ideas

b. seeing your ideas fully laid out will give you confidence

c. main points should be stated as ful
all of the above
the body fo your speech includes:

a. intro and the main points
b. the conclusion and the main points
c. the main points only
d. the into, conclusion, and main points
main points only
which kind of outline is least conspicuous to the audience?

a. working
b. speaking
c. key word
d. phrase
key word
you should use a phrase outline when:'

a. you are not confident in presenting your speech

b. you are very familiar with the po;ints of your speech

c. you think a key word outline will be to lenthy

d. none of th
you are very familiar with the points of your speech
which types of outline permits the least eye contact with the audience?

a. sentence
b. working
c. phrase
d. keyword
in a working outline, you might do which of teh following?

a. adjust teh specific purpose statement

b. rearrange main points

c. omit certain supporting materials

d. all of the above
all of teh above
which of the following is the last step in creaing a working outline?

a. write out each speech point in a full sentence

b. prepare a complete bibliography and append it to the outline

c. establish your main points
prepare the complete bibliography and append it to the outline
while developing a speech, the speaker will create which two outlines?

a. working and speaking
b. working and keywrod
c. working and sentence
d. working and phrase
working and speaking
Rhetorical questions are those which:

a. attempt to amke the audience think aabout many possibilites

b. have only one real answer

c. are based in fact

d. do not attempt to engage the audience's attention
attempt to make the audience think about many possibilities
the functions of ______ are to arouse audience attention, introduce the topic and purose, and preview the main points:

a. transitions
b. the body of the speech
c. the speech summary
d. the introduction
the intro
When using a story in your speech:

a. you must make sure it is true

b. you have to begin with a quote

c. you do not have to explain what the story literally means

d. you should make sure it is a story the audie
you do not have to explain what the story literally means
humor, posing questions, stories, and imagery are all interesting ways for the speaking to present:

a. teh body of the speech
b. the speech summary
c. trasitions
d. the intro
when a speaker is perceived by teh audience to be trustworthy and knowledgeable, the speaker possesses:

a. credibility
b. motivation
c. ambition
d. purpose
You should write your intro:

a. only after you have finished writing the body

b. while you are writing the conclusion

c. while you are writing the body

d. only after the rest of the speech has been finsihed
only after you have finished writing the body
to motivate the audience to accept your goals, you should:

a. refrain from talking about yourself

b. emphasize the rhetorical nature of your argument

c. make it clear whtat the practical implications of your speech are
make it clear what the practical implications of your speech are
What percentage fo your should should the introduction be?

a. 5-10
b. 10-15
c. 15-20
d. 20-25
using humor in your speech is most effective when it:

a. is at the expense of members of the audience\

b. is directed toward a particualr group

c. ignores cultural differences

d. is self-deprecating
is self deprecating
which of the following is not an effective way to begin your intro:

a. use a surpriing stat
b. open with a joke
c. show repect toward your audience
d. develop your main points
develop your main points
The conclusion of your speech should do all but which of teh following:

a. be one-half as long as the body of the speech

b. reiterate the main points

c. remind listeners of the speech's purpose

d. challenge the
be one-half as long as the body of the speech
a concluding challenge by a speaker to an audience to act in reponse to the speech is:

a. a signal

b. unnecessary

c. a call to action

d. a reiteration
a call to action
a concluding challenge is imporant to a speech because it shows the audience that:

a. the issue is personally relevant to teh audience

b. the issue is hypothetical

c. the issue has not been addressed

d. none of
the issue is personally relevant to teh audience
summarizing the main points of your speech in the conclusion:

a. is repetitive and ineffective

b. is effective only in a few kinds of speeched

c. gets in teh way of calls to action

d. is mainly used to help you
is mainly used to help your audience remember the speech
_____ serve three functions: alert the audience that the speech is ending, summarize the main points, and leave a last impression on the audience:

a. conclusions
b. trasistions
c. introductions
d. the speech body
in outlining your conclusion, you should:

a. use only full-sent form
b. only use key-word form
c. use both a key-word and full-sent outline
d. use both a key-word and a phrase outline
use both a key-word and full sent ouline
listeners are most likley to remember and act on a speech that makes:

a. a last impression
b. a joke
c. an offensive remark
d. a call to action
a lasting impression
effective speech conclusions often employ:

a. many of the same techniques used in introductions

b. the speakers own judgment

c. software tips

d. all of the above
many of teh same techniques used in intros
which of teh following is a way to alert the audience that you are about to conclude your speech?

a. avoid using transitions
b. maintain a consistent vocal tone and pitch
c. fail to follow through on your signals
d. none of teh
none of the above
to alert the audience that the speech is coming to an end, the speaker should use:

a. credibility
b. signals
c. challenges
d. previews
all of the following are qualties of effective delivery except:

a. natural
b. confident
c. defamatory
d. confident
stan read his speech work for work from a fully prepared text. What method of delivery did he employ?

a. extemporaneous
b. impromptu
c. memory
d. manuscript
e. dialect
cartman recited his analogy speech using teh oratorical style. What method of delivery did he employ?

a. extemporaneous
b. impromptu
c. memory
d. manuscript
e. dialect
kyle forgot he had to give a speech today, so he improvised. What method of delivery did he employ?
a. extemporaneous
b. impromptu
c. memory
d. manuscript
e. dialect
Kenny practiced his speech and delivered it from a key-wrod outline. What method of delivery did he employ?

a. extemporaneous
b. impromptu
c. memory
d. manuscript
e. dialect
most public speeches-from business presentations to formal public addresses are delivered using this method:

a. extemporaneous
b. impromptu
c. memory
d. manuscript
e. dialect
short speeches shuch as toasts and introductions may be effectively delivered by which method?

a. extemporaneous
b. impromptu
c. memory
d. manuscript
e. dialect
one way to establish a direct connection with teh audience si to maintain eye contact.

during teh elocutionary movement, delivery was emphasized to such an extent that it often assumed more important than the content of the speech.

When a speaker wants to avoid being misquoted or misconstrued and when precise working is needed, which of teh following methods of delivery is suggested?

a. extemporaneous
b. impromptu
c. memory
d. manuscript
e. dialect
What did the presidental debate of 1960 do to how people percieved tv?
They realized that looks mattered. B/c Kennedy looked so much better than Nixon
Who was appointed the chairman of FCC in 1961 by Kennedy?
Newton Minow
What does he call TV?
a Vast Wasteland
How does Minow get tv to change their programming?
By not making licences guarenteed
What were the rural comedies like?
childish diolouge, ridiculous plots,
Did the critics hate it or love it
hate it but audience loved it
What was the first rural comedy and what was the first rural comedy hit?
1. The Real McCoys
2. The Beverly Hill Billies
What are Bimotic tv shows
They appeal to the really old or really young but not just the young
What does Fred Silverman do?
He was the CBS director of programming and overhauls the entire lineup
Episodic Drama?
stories in which characters reappear every week
There are two styles of episodic dramas - what are they?
1. Chapter Shows

2. Serial
Chapter Shows
employees self contained stories that features problems, a series of conflicts, and a resolution
more open-ended. The storyline continues from episode to episode
What was the longest running serial program?
Guiding Light
What was the only tv in the 1960's that actually dealt with reality?
The News
What were the implications of the assisnation of JFK?
1. allowed the county to be united by tv

2. taught people to turn to tv for breaking news
The 1970's tv mainly dealt with...
What did they focus on?
gender roles - Mary tYler moore

targeted audieneces


The 1980's was for what?
Who wanted to make shows appeal to everyone?
NBC's Grant Tinker
Who moved shows around to find an audience?
Brandon Tartikoff
What were some shows that were popular?

Miami Vice

Hill Street Blues
What type of show was Hill Street Blues?
Hybrid Episodic Drama
Why did the networks start to decline in the 1990s?
Because of the competition from cable, DVDs, and VCRs
When was FOX launched and by whom?
1987 by Merdock
What was FOXes target audience?
teens and blacks
What are some examples of FOX 90's shows?
The Simpsons

In Living Color

Melrose Place
What show did FOX premiere to make it competetive with the other three major networks?
In 1993, what did FOX win the rights to?
broadcast NFL
How many shows a year premiere?
In the fall, 20-40 new shows
out of that many, how many are canceled?
# of households watching / # of households
# of households watching / # of households watching tv
What is AC Neilson?
The largest market research company in the world that surveys tv ratings
How many times do they survey a year?
4 times
What are these survey times called and when are they preformed?

Nov July May and Feb
Lead in Placement
strong show to start the night with
Hammocking or Counter Programming
Networks will program to certain audiences
The continuous shifting of a program to a different audience
preformed during dweeps, starts with either a good lead in or a guest star
How many hours of programming is there per day from the networks?
11-18 hours
What is early morning hours?
6-9 network news

the today show , good morning america
Prime Access Rule
Designed to encourage local news and public affiar type programming

forbids network owned or affilated stations from broadcasting more than 3 hours of network programming during primetime
tv gets house much programming from the network?
30-90 %

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