AP Spanish Phrases
undefined, object
copy deck
- ponerse de rodillas
- to kneel
- ir de compras
- to go shopping
- tener mucho gusto en
- to be pleased to
- hacerle daño a alguien
- to hurt someone
- dar cuerda
- to wind
- cumplir...años
- to turn...years old
- estar muerto de sueño
- to be very sleepy
- hacer pedazos
- to smash, to tear into pieces
- tener dolor de (garganta, cabeza, etc.)
- to have a (sore throat, headache, etc.)
- dar un paseo (en coche)
- to go for a ride (in car)
- saber a
- to taste like
- ir al centro
- to go downtown
- hacer(le) saber
- to inform, to let someone know
- tener en cuenta
- to take into account
- echar
- to mail
- hacer la maleta
- to pack one's suitcase
- estar de vuelta
- to be back
- llegar temprano
- to arrive early
- Hace mal tiempo
- The weather is bad
- Hace frío
- It's cold
- Hace viento
- It's windy
- volverse loco
- to go crazy
- Hace calor
- It's hot
- hacer el papel de
- to play the part (role) of
- tener éxito
- to be successful
- darse prisa
- to hurry
- hacer una visita
- to pay a visit
- tocarle a uno
- to be one's turn
- (no) hacer caso a
- (not) to pay attention, (not) to listen to, to ignore
- decir que sí
- to say yes
- llegar atrasado
- to arrive late
- dar con
- to run into
- estar de acuerdo
- to agree unanimously
- querer decir
- to mean
- dar a conocer
- to make known
- tener la culpa
- to be blamed
- caerse muerto
- to drop dead
- no servir para nada
- to be good for nothing
- tener envidia
- to be envious
- tener miedo
- to be afraid
- tener celos
- to be jealous
- tener frío
- to be cold
- hacerse tarde
- to get late
- tener prisa
- to be in a hurry
- Hace sol
- It's sunny
- quedar(le) bien (mal)
- to look good (bad)
- ir de tiendas
- to go shopping
- morirse de risa
- to die laughing
- decir disparates
- to talk nonsense
- echar de menos a alguien
- to miss someone
- aprender de memoria
- to memorize
- cambiar de idea
- to change one's mind
- Hace fresco
- It's chilly
- dar a
- to face, to look out on
- pasar lista
- to call the roll
- estar para + infinitive
- to be about to, to be at the point of
- tener la palabra
- to have the floor
- echar la culpa
- to blame
- estar seguro
- to be sure
- hacer escala
- to make a stop (i.e. plane)
- tener sed
- to be thirsty
- dejar caer
- to drop
- tener que ver con
- to have to do with
- ser hora de
- to be time to
- llegar a tiempo
- to arrive on time
- ponerse de pie
- to stand
- tener hambre
- to be hungry
- llegar con retraso
- to arrive late
- Que tiempo hace?
- What is the weather like?
- darse cuenta de (que)
- to realize (that)
- hacer un viaje
- to take a trip
- contar con
- to rely on
- llegar a ser
- to become (goal achieved over time)
- dar una vuelta
- to take a walk
- echarse a reírse
- to burst out laughing
- tener deseos de
- to feel like, to have an urge to
- llegar atrasado
- to arrive late
- sacar una nota
- to get a grade
- ganarse la vida
- to earn one's living
- dar la hora
- to strike (the hour)
- tomarle el pelo a alguien
- to pull someone's leg
- dar gritos
- to shout, to scream
- llevarse bien (mal) con
- to get (not get) along with
- (no) estar para bromas
- (to not) be in the mood for jokes
- estar de pie
- to be standing
- hacerse daño
- to get hurt, to hurt oneself
- andar mal (de salud, de dinero)
- to be (sick, broke)
- llamar a la puerta
- to knock on the door
- valer la pena
- to be worthwhile
- Hace buen tiempo
- The weather is good
- tener calor
- to be hot
- estar enamorado de
- to be in love with
- hacerse cargo
- to take charge of
- pasarlo bien (mal)
- to have a good (bad) time
- hacer hincapie
- to emphasize
- caerle bien (mal)
- to make a good (bad) impression
- prestar atención
- to pay attention
- tener suerte
- to be lucky
- pagar al contado
- to pay cash
- echar(se) a perder
- to spoil, to ruin, to lose its good taste
- estar por
- to be in favor of
- sacar una foto
- to take a picture
- tener presente
- to keep in mind, to take into account
- estar a punto de
- to be about to
- ser aficionado a
- to be a fan of
- sentarle bien
- to agree with one, to suit one
- costarle trabajo
- to be difficult for someone
- hacer la cama
- to make the bed
- dar un paseo
- to take a walk
- estar al día
- to be up to date (current)
- hacer una pregunta
- to ask a question
- tener cuidado
- to be careful
- tener...años
- To be...years old
- pedir prestado
- to borrow
- estar muerto de hambre
- to be starving
- estar muerto de cansancio
- to be dead tired
- tener calma
- to be calm
- darse la mano
- to shake hands
- tener ganas de
- to feel like, to have an urge to
- ponerse de acuerdo
- to agree
- tener buena (mala) cara
- to look good (bad)
- tener sueño
- to be sleepy
- llegar con atraso
- to arrive late
- estar de moda
- to be in style (fashionable)
- tener lástima de
- to feel sorry for
- tomar el sol
- to sunbathe
- perder el tiempo
- to waste one's time
- estar de buen (mal) humor
- to be in a good (bad) mood
- estar bien enterado
- to be well-informed
- tener lugar
- to take place
- mantener el interes
- to hold one's interest
- creer que sí
- to think so
- llevar a cabo
- to carry out, to accomplish, to finish
- dar un abrazo
- to hug
- hacer(le) falta
- to lack, to be in need of, to be lacking
- dormir a pierna suelta
- to sleep like a log
- portarse bien/mal
- to behave/misbehave
- deberse a
- to be due to
- dar las gracias
- to thank
- tener que
- to have to
- tener razón
- to be right
- estar harto de
- to be fed up with
- tener verguenza
- to be ashamed
- dar recuerdos a
- to give regards to