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gov quiz


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what is bicameral? why is it important?
bicameral is having 2 houses it allows equal rep for small staes and rep based on popu for large states
what are the qualifications to be a member of the house
25 years old us citizen for 7 yrs must live in state represented
what are the qualifications to be a member of the senate?
30 years us citizen 9 yrs live in state
how are members of congress compensated what privilages do they have
salary of 174,000 a per year free office space money for staff discounts franking privilage
what are the duties of someone in congress
choose pres if no majority make laws collect/law taxes
how does the census taken every 10 years determin the reapportionmant of the house
the pop of each state determines the new number of reps to which each state is entitled
legislative steps 1-2
bill introduced/ given num reject, pigeonhole, sent to subcommittee
legistlative steps 3-4
subcommittee researches bill sent back to committee
legistlative steps 5-8
if accepted goes to floor of house or senate for debate vote is taken if bill passes goes to other house for SAME STEPS bill goes to pres-sign or veto
in our opinion is congress efficient
no, majority of bills never make it our of committee,important bills! no term limits, this is why most bills never passed bc it is the same people serving. congress needs to be more open to change
why is it important that members of congress stay informed of conditions in their home districts?
bc the people in their home districts voted for them and if they go up for re election and they dont promise to change current problems then they wont get votes

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