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A Divided Nation, Chpt 18 YEs


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Harpers Ferry
location of raid whose purpose was to aid the abolitionists' cause
John Brown
tried and sentence to death for the Harpers Ferry raid
area that antislavery and pro-slavery groups competed to determine the slavery question due to popular sovereignty
antislavery settlers in Kansas
devotion to the interests of one region instead of to the country as a whole
Harriet Beecher Stowe
person who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
Henry Clay
person who offered a series of proposals to address all of the current issues of sectional disagreement
Dred Scott decision
Supreme Court ruling that African Americans were not citizens according to the U.S. Constitution
had 2 territorial governments, pro-slavery and antislavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act
1854, divided rest of Louisiana Purchase into 2 territories in which the slavery question would be decided by popular sovereignty
Wilmot Proviso
proposal that stated that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude would ever exist in any part of the Mexican Cession
Uncle Tom's Cabin
powerful antislavery novel
Pottawatomie Massacre
John Brown and associates killed 5 pro-slavery men in Kansas
Lincoln-Douglas debates
held in Illinois in 1858 whose central issues involved slavery and its future in the West
South Carolina
called for a special convention four days after Lincoln's election to consider secession
James Buchanan
Democrat who won the 1856 election; carried 14 of 15 slave states
Sack of Lawrence
occurred when pro-slavery posse was sent to arrest free state leaders and burned the town
Jefferson Davis..
elected President of the Confederacy in 1861
Free-Soil Party
endorsed the Wilmot Proviso and chose former president Martin Van Buren of NY as its candidate for President
South Carolina
first state to secede from the Union after Lincoln's election to the Presidency
Dred Scott decision
Supreme Court ruling that slaves were property / chattel
Confederate States of America
new nation formed from seceding states in 1861
Millard Fillmore
presidential candidate in the election of 1856 representing the Know-Nothing Party
Freeport Doctrine
Stephen Douglas' explanation that Congress could allow the citizens of that territory to ban slavery even if Congress could not ban slavery from a federal territory
Fugitive Slave Act
law that made it a federal crime to assist runaway slaves and allowed slaves to be arrested even in areas where slavery was illegal
popular sovereignty
principle that would allow voters in a particular territory to decide whether they wanted to ban or permit slavery
Franklin Pierce
man who swore to honor the Compromise of 1850 and enforce the Fugitive Slave Act
Compromise of 1850
series of decisions that seemed to be a final settlement of the slavery controversy
Reverend Henry W. Beecher
sent rifles to Kansas in boxes marked Bibles for free-soilers
Abraham Lincoln
elected President in the election of 1860 without carrying a single southern state
collapsed into a state of civil war after Pottawatomie Massacre
Republican Party
formed in 1854 by people opposed to the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Constitutional Union Party
formed during the election of 1860
John Brown!
man who led raid on Harpers Ferry
Crittenden Compromise
rejected by every Republican in the Senate
Senator Charles Sumner
beaten unconscious with a cane by Representative Preston Brooks over slavery opinions
Whig Party
fell apart completely because of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

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