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Sociology ch. 7


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All individuals age 16 and older who are employed in paid positions or who are seeking paid employment.
labor force
A high-status occupation that requires specialized skills obtained through formal education.
the situation that occurs when a person does not have a job but is actively seeking employment.
an organic condition that results in the progressive deterioration of the brain cells.
Alzheimer's disease
age 75-84
The shift from being an independent adult to being dependent on others for physical or financial assistance.
age 60-75+
late adulthood
The combination of statuses roles, activities, goals, values, beliefs, and life circumstances that characterize an individual.
life structure
ages 40-59
middle adulthood
the study of the nonphysical aspects of the aging process
social gerontology
ages 85 and older
the scientific study of the processes and phenomena of aging
ages 65-74
the percentage of the civilian labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment
unemployment rate
also known as the novice phase
early adulthood
The greatest stresses of adult hood are during which stages of life?
A)early adult transition, entering the adult world, the age 30 transition, the settling down period, and midlife transition
B) midlife transition only
C) old age period
A) early adult transition, entering the adult world, the age 30 transition, the settling down period, and midlife transition
The bridge between adolescence and adulthood, leaving home and full-time work for the first time is associated with which transition period?
early adult transition
The adult world transition is composed of
A) exploration of a variety of relationships and career opportunities
B) becoming a responsible member of society and to form a stable life structure.
C) both A and B
D) Neither A nor B
C) both A and B
The age 30 transition can be a difficult period because
A) divorces are common
B) shift in the direction for future developments.
C) make a place for themselves in the adult world.
D) all of the above
D) all of the above
The settling down period is
ages 33-39
The midlife transition is characterized by
A) Self-examination
B) A moderate to severe crisis
C) Both A and C
D) Neither A or B
C) both A and C
Daniel Levinson found that men and women:
A) go through the same stages of adult development
B) differ in terms of their social roles and identities
C) deal with the same developmental tasks in each stage differently
D) all of the abo
D) all of the above
There are ______ phases in the adult female development
One fact that distinguishes female development from male development during adulthood is
Marriage over career
Phase 2 of the female development encompasses:
the dual roles of the female
Phase 3 of female development reveals that:
A) women seek employment once again
B) women develop a commitment to their careers while their husbands are doubting their own careers
C) both a and b
D) none
C) both a and b
Changes in the American labor force since 1970 reveal all of the following EXCEPT:
A) a rise in minority workers
B) that women make up 47 percent of all the labor force
C) 90 percent of the labor force aged 25-64 has graduated from high sc
D) over one half of the labor force has a college degree
Unemployment rate varies according to such factors as
cultural background, age, gender, and race
Individuals 65 and over are placed into three groups which are called the
young-old, middle-old, and old-old
Factors that affect adjustment to retirement are
A) Income and health
B) Social networks and identity
C) age
D) both A and B
both a and B
Research indicates all of the following EXCEPT:
A) that work-role loss affects a much smaller number of retired people than generally assumed
B) people who are happy or fulfilled in their work rarely find retirement satisfying
C) that reti
Suicide rates are high among people over the age of 65, particularly among ______
white men
Researchers now believe that most elderly people
retain their intellectual abilities throughout life
T/F Alzheimer's disease is not a progress deterioration of the brain cells
T/F Research indicates that work-role loss affects a much smaller number of retired people that generally is assumed
T/F Retirees adjust better to their new situation if they remain linked to the larger social world to which they belong
T/F Marriage over career is not a factor that distinguishes female development from male development during adulthood

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