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Ch1, 23 LIFE


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1) species change over time

2) natural selection causes the changes
1) process by which adaptive traits are aqcquired by evolutionary mechanisms

2) traits that enhance the survival & reproductive success of their bearers
population genetics
-apply Mendel's laws to populations of orgs
gene pool
the sum of all alleles in a population
autotrophs ; heterotrophs
-self-feeders ; other-feeders
group w/ a recent common ancestor
- a specific type; no natural interbreeding
the scientific study of the diversity of organisms
under systematics, classifying organisms
- a hypothesis that describes the history of descent from a common ancestor of a group of organisms

- phylogenetic tree – each node / split = speciation event
features shared by 2 + species from a common ancestor
derived trait
a trait that differs from its ancestral form
convergent evolution
traits that were independently evolved become superficially similar b/c of similar selective pressures
evolutionary reversal
reverting back to ancestor state from derived state
homoplastic traits / homoplasies
traits that are similar not b/c of inheritance from common ancestor
ancestral traits vs derived traits
only traits in ingroup are derived; ancestral traits in ingroups and outgroups
Evolutionary Agents causing HWE deviation
1) Mutations
2) Migration
3) Genetic Drift
4) Nonrandom Mating
5) Natural Selection
-are rare for each loci, but so many loci that there may be a few mutations in each zygote
produces gene flow
genetic drift
the random loss of indivs and the alleles they possess
population bottlenecks
occasional periods a normally large pop. may go thru when only a small # of indivs. survive

-may increase/decrease an allele freq lots by chance being a bigger factor
founder effect
a few indivs colonize region;
resulting change in genetic variation
nonrandom mating
-like x like or like x unlike
-ie 2 flowers - pin (long stigma, short stamen/anther), thrum (short stigma, long stamen/anther)
natural selection
when some indivs contribute more offspring to the next generation than others, changing allele freqs

-fitness - contribution of one relative to the phenotype of another
natural selection, quantified 3 ways
1) stabilizing selection - avg. favored
2) directional selection - R or L
3) distruptive selection - both extremes
stabilizing selection
-favors average indivs
-reduces variation
direction selection
-indivs of one extreme are favored
disruptive selection
indivs at both extremes favored
-results in bimodal distribution
-ie bill sizes in black-bellied seedcracker of W. Africa

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