ch. 04 development
undefined, object
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- best indicator of future intellectual achievement
- language
- developmental milestones (4)
1. gross motor
2. fine motor
3. language
4. social - pediatric IQ tests
1. Weschler
2. Stanford-Binet - child w/suspected language delay should receive...
- full audiologic assessment
- most common cause of hearing loss in young child...
- chronic OM w/effusions
- until age X, a child's chronological age should be adjusted acc to gestational age
- 2 years old
- true disfluency components
c.struggle word blockage - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) components (3)
3.impulsivity - attention deficit disorder (ADD) components
2.impulsivity - ADHD dx requires X amt of time of persistent symptoms
- 6 months (at least)
- ADHD manifests by age X
- age 7
- ADHD dx test
- Connor's Parent and Teacher Rating Scales
- ADHD management goal
- 1.reduce Sx for entire day
- ADHD meds (3)
3.mixed amphetamine salts - ADHD meds' MOA
- increase availability of DA, NE in the CNS
- atomexetine (Strattera)
- specific NE reuptake inhibitor
- pervasive developmental disorder - definition
-developmental disabilities (social interaction, communication, behavior) - pervasive developmental disorder - examples (2)
2.Asperger's -
-no pretend play
-limited eye contact
-no reciprocal communication
dx? - autism
-no understanding of metaphors or sarcasm
-wants to form friendships, but can't - Asperger's
- disfluency resolves by age X
- age 4
- best prognostic indicator of future success of autistic children
- extent of language development in preschool years