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Natural Disaster Exam #1


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Internal Processes
Plate tectonics - identifies zones of possible earthquakes and active volcanism; identifies tectonic plates (large surface blocks of solid Earth) *Broken rock = fault
"Ring of Fire"
A major belt of volcanoes that rims the pacific ocean.
Are not defined by plate boundaries
External Processes
Atmospheric effects: Energy from the sun - Warms Earth's atmosphere and surface, produces wind circulation and water evaporation, and firms Earth's climate zones.
Global Warming
Causes rain clouds to move further inward providing rain for deserts instead of land
poses threat to human life/property
Results in significant damage, injury, loss of life
requiring significant expenditure of time and money for recovery
occurs after tsunami(s)
Plate Tectonics
Due to internal energy of the Earth; hot because of reactivity
Earth's Internal Structure
Inner core: hot and solid Asthenosphere: upper mantle; solid, hot magma with some flow Lithosphere: Thin, brittle crust; broken into plates that slip on asthenosphere; convection caused by push/pull of hot core on plates
Two Types of Lithosphere
Oceanic: dark, dense (i.e. basalt, iron, & magnesium) Continental: light, buoyant (i.e. granite, Potassium & Sodium silicate)
Plate Boundaries
dynamic events on Earth's surface occur when plates move (converge/slide past each other); plates aren't defined by oceans/continents, but where breaks occur (where earthquake is located)
Divergent Plate Boundaries
When plates move away from each other; new lithosphere is created; caused by convections; basalt comes up to form land
Divergence b/w Two Ocean Plates
causes mid-ocean ridges & seafloor spreading
Convergent Plate Boundaries
Subduction Zones: more dense ocean plates sink/melt; melted magma rises to form volcanoes Continental Collision Boundary: plates crunch together to form large mountains (ex: Himalayas)
Transform Boundary
plates slide past each other ("Humping"); mostly occur in ocean(s) Ex: San Andreas Fault (Strike-slip fault): Separates the Pacific from North American plate; connecting divergent plate boundaries
Hot Spots
area of magma that forms volcanoes/rocks; magma rises up from deep in mantle; stationary heat source located below lithosphere
Magma vs. Lava
M: below ground L: above ground
Hydrologic Cycle
process where water is purified and made fresh through evaporation and precipitation; solar energy drives movement of water b/w atmosphere/oceans/continents
Biogeochemical Cycle
combines all three cycles (rock, hydrologic, & tectonic); carbon, nitrogen, & phosphorous absorb infrared radiation heating atmosphere
Soft-Story Building
built like parking garages (or pancakes)
sudden movement of a block of Earth's crust along a geologic fault; movement released causes strain in rocks
Earthquake Cycle
proposition that a drop in elastic strain after an earthquake and a re-accumulation of strain before next event
deformation resulting from stress Elastic Strain: deformation that isn't permanent if the stress is eventually released
point on surface above focus (shallower the distance, the worse the earthquake)
point of initial breaking/rupturing within the Earth below the epicenter
Moment Magnitude
measure of total energy released; describes something physical about the earthquake Relation to Richter: MM bases finding on the physical aspect of the earthquake whereas the Richter scale measures the vibrations/waves beneath the Earth
Richter Scale
A scale that rates an earthquake's magnitude based on the size of its seismic waves using a Seismograph
records a zig-zag trace showing the varying amplitude of ground oscillations beneath instrument 2 --> 3= 10X's (ground displacement); 32X's (energy)
Modified Mercalli Scale
Based on damage to structures and people's perceptions (Women vs. Men - Dramatics); shows where damage is most severe
Shake Maps
use seismograph data to show areas of intense shaking; gives idea of magnitude
Slip Rates
movement along faults; measured in mm/yr
Fault Types
Dip Slip: vertical movement(s); more dangerous Strike Slip: Side-to-side; Horizontal
Two Walls of Dip Slip
Foot: Miners put their feet Hanging: Where they put their lanterns (Moves up/down)
Three Faults of Dip Slip
Normal: hanging wall moves down relative to footwall (gravity) Reverse: hanging wall moves up relative to footwall (thrust) Blind: Doesn't extend to surface
Tectonic Creep
Occurs when movement is gradual (earthquake isn't felt)
Slow Earthquakes
Movement along fault is small over a long period of time; there can still be large in magnitude with large area of rupture
Types of Body Waves
P (Primary): compressional waves; can go through liquid/solid; but can be refractured by liquid S (Secondary): shear waves; can't go through either (gets stopped by liquid)
Surface Waves
Love waves: moves along Earth's surface; travels slowly than body waves, both vertically and horizontally, responsible for damage near epicenter
Love Waves
Named for A.E.H. Love
Distance to Epicenter
measured by S-wave minus P-wave Ex: S-P=13 seconds, distance is 100 miles, and lag time is 50 seconds. 100 miles X 50 seconds / 13 seconds = 384.62 miles
Depth of Focus
deeper earthquakes produce less shaking than shallow earthquakes (closer to surface: the more "bang" it gets) Ex: Kirkbride example with 4th vs. 1st floor
Location of Epicenter
At least 3 stations are needed to find exact epicenter; intersecting part is the epicenter
anything that shakes & becomes liquid; sand turns to liquid because it has pore spaces/holes
Animals and Predicting Natural Disasters
They have a more advanced set of senses that can sometimes predict when a specific natural disaster is coming. Ex: Elephants and tsunamis/earthquakes

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