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Plate Tectonics Science


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the bending of the rock underneath the plate, this pressure is released in the form of energy, and it can cause earthquakes, etc.
Earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains form, deep sea trenches
Things that happen at plate boundaries
ring of fire
a ring of active volcanoes in the pacific ocean along Japan and Alaska
convergent boundaries
come together... (like by mount everest)
rocks, time, the study of the age of the earth
at plate boundaries
where are the most earthquake epicenters located?
divergent boundaries
come apart... mid-atlantic ridge, it has magnetic symmetry
a recent one in 2004 in indonesia, just off the coast at a convergent boundary. One of those plates got pushed up and forced all this water up and it will move for thousands of miles and wash away anything in its path
the point on the surface of the earth above the origin of the earthquake
divergent, convergent, transform
Three kinds of boundaries:
ring of fire and meditteranean map
There are two active volcano belts which are the ____ and____
Continental-Continental Convergence
Two continents bang into each other, and you get a mountain range to form
transform boundaries
rub together.. san andreas fault in california
magnetic symmetry
in rocks, bands of rocks that are symmetrical on either side of a boundary, like every other can point north-south and every other can point south-north

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