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Geography introduction unit


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What is GIS?
Geographic Information Systems
runs from East to West but measures distances North & South
0-90 degrees N & S
runs from North to South & measures distances from East to West
0-180 degrees E & W
International Dateline
180 degrees
Changes time 24 hours or one day
Compass Rose
directional indicator, identifies map orientation
North, South, East West
measures distances between two places on a map
ex. 1 inch = 1 mile
a visual representation of geographic information
Thematic maps
Maps that show a specific theme
ex. population, economic activity, language, resources, climate, precipitation,
vegetation, physical etc.
Mercator Map Projection
parallel lines, looks like graph paper
used by ship navigators
Polar Map Projection
circle routes, map of the polar regions
used by airline pilots
Robinson Map Projection
data representation
used by teachers, National Geographic etc.
Characteristics that determine climate
temperature, precipitation
Elements that influence climate patterns
influence of latitude
influence of winds
influence of elevation
proximity to water
Three main world climate regions
low latitudes
middle latitudes
high latitudes
Low Latitudes
0-23 1/2 degrees N & S
close to the equator
tropics, desert, steppe etc.
Middle Latitudes
23 1/2-66 1/2 degrees N & S
Mediterranea, Marine West Coast, Humid Continental, Humid Subtropical etc.
High Latitudes
66 1/2-90 degrees N & S
Cold climates, tundra, ice cap, taigia, etc.
Natural Hazards
monsoon, typhoon, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, floods, volcano
wind system
occur in Asia
may be wet or dry
tropical storm
Pacific Ocean
tropical storms
Atlantic Ocean
may occur anywhere in the world but most occur in the United States (midwest or tornado alley)
How does climate and weather patterns affect how people live?
crops, clothing, housing, natural hazards
What are some Physical and Ecological processes that shape the Earth?
earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, erosion
How have humans influenced their environment?
Aral Sea - shrinking due to over irrigation
Colorado River - over use
Aswan High Dam, canals, irrigation, polders, desertfication, deforestation, pollution etc
Gross Domestic Product
value of goods and services produced in a country per year
Criteria that makes up a countries relative importance
land size

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