Earthquake Test Notes
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- Surface Waves
- two types( Love Waves and Rayleigh waves), come form epicenter, do most damage
- North American Plate and Pacific Plate
- what plates are involved?
- focus
- the place where an earthquake starts
- fault
- a break in the earth's crust where two sides are displaced
- look for the area with the most damage
- How do you find the epicnter of an earthquake with a Mercalli Scale?
- S Waves
- slower than P waves( about 3 km per hour), lochness monster, travels through only solids, come form focus
- North
- Which way is the pacific plate moving?
- decreases
- As the arrival time between P and S waves decreases, the distance from the epicenter
- P Waves
- Fastest( about 6 km per sec), acts like an earthworm, push pull movement, travel through both liquids and solids, come form focus
- there is no fault line
- Why are southern Ilinois earthquakes so puzzling?
- Mercalli Scale
- measure the intensity and damage of an earthquake, goes up to 12
- South
- Which way is the North American Plate moving?
- potential energy
- energy that builds when something is about to move
- kinetic energy
- energy of moving objects
- strike slip
- What type of fault line is the San Andreas Fault?
- Seismograph
- measures energy of an earthquake by looking at the p,s, and surfacewaves
- epicenter
- the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus
- Richter Scale
- measure the magnitude of the earthquake, no restricions, grows by a power of 10
- 3
- How many seismic stations are needed to find the epicenter
- earthquake
- a sudden slip in the earth's crust along a fault line. It releases energy in the form of waves