Ch 17 PS
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- A disturbance in matter that carries energy from one place to another.
- Mechanical wave
- The ability to do work
- Energy
- Mechanical waves require _____ to travel through
- matter
- Material through which a wave travels
- medium
- 3 mediums are...
- solids, liquids, and gasses
- In a wave pool, what is the medium?
- Water
- Waves travel through a rope when you shake one end of it. What is the medium?
- The rope
- When is a mechanical wave created?
- When a source of energy causes a vibration to travel through a medium.
- Mechanical waves are classified...
- by the way they move through a medium
- 3 types of mechanical waves
- transverse, longitudinal, and surface
- The highest point of a (transverse) wave above the rest position
- crest
- the lowest point below the rest position (transverse)
- trough
- A transverse wave carries energy in a direction ________ to the up and down motion of the medium.
- perpendicular
- an area where the particles in a medium are spaced close together (longitudinal)
- compression
- area where the particles in a medium are spread out (longitudinal)
- rarefaction
- a wave in which the vibration of the medium is parallel to the direction the wave travels
- longitudinal
- Longitudinal waves produced by earthquakes that can travel through earth- scientist use them to map earth's unseen interior.
- P waves (aka primary waves)
- Most familiar kind of surface wave
- Ocean waves
- A wave that travels along a surface seperating two media
- surface wave
- any motion that repeats at regular time intervals
- periodic motion
- A complete motion that returns to its starting pt (the time required for one cycle)
- period
- For an ocean wave, the period is the time between...
- two successive crests
- # of complete cycles in a given time
- frequency
- For a wave, the _____ is the number of wave cycles that pass a point in a given time
- frequency
- Frequency is measured in..
- cycles per second, or hertz (Hz)
- A wave's frequency equals..
- the frequency of the vibrating source producing the wave
- the dist. betwn a point on one wave and the same point on the next cycle of the wave
- Wavelength
- For a transverse wave, wavelength is
- measured between adjacent crests or adjacent troughs
- For a longitudinal wave, wavelength is
- the distance btwn adjacent compressions or rarefactions.
- Increasing freqency of a wave _____ its wavelength.
- decreases
- Speed =
- wavelength x frequency
- The speed of a wave can change if
- it enters a new medium, or if variables such as pressure and temperature change
- If you assume that waves are traveling at a constant speed, then..
- wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency.
- A wave with lower frequency has ____ wavelength.
- longer
- Max displacement of the medium from its rest position
- Amplitude
- The amplitude of a transverse wave is...
- the distance from the rest position to a crest or a trough
- It takes more energy to produce a wave with..
- higher crests and deeper troughs
- The more energy a wave has, the ______ its amplitude
- greater
- To measure the amplitude of a longitudinal wave...
- use the max displacement of a point from its rest position (the more energy the wave has, the more the medium will be compressed or displaced)
- occurs when a wave bounces off a surface that it cannot pass through
- reflection
- Reflection does not change the ___ or ___ of a wave but the wave can be flipped upside down.
- speed, frequency
- The reflected wave will be upside down compared to the original wave if the reflection occurs at...
- a fixed boundary
- the bending of a wave as it enters a new medium at an angle
- Refraction
- When a wave enters a medium at an angle, refraction occurs because..
- one side of the wave moves more slowly than the other side
- the bending of a wave as it moves around an obstacle or passes through a narrow opening.
- Diffraction
- When waves bend around an obstacle, _____ can also occur.
- Diffraction
- A wave diffracts more if its wavelength is...
- large compared to the size of an opening or obstacle
- When diffraction occurs, if the wavelength is small compared to the opening or obstacle, the wave..
- bends very little
- When diffraction occurs, the larger the wavelength is compared to the size to the opening or obstacle, the wave
- diffracts more.
- occurs when two or more waves overlap and combine together
- interference
- Two types of intereference
- Constructive, destructive
- The displacements of a wave combine to...
- increase amplitude in constructive destructive interferenceintereference and decrease amplitude in destructive interference
- Occurs when two or more waves combine to produce a wave with a larger displacement
- Constructive interQference
- Can reduce the amplitude of a wave
- destructive interference
- Occurs when two or more waves combine to produce a wave with a smaller displacement
- Destructive interference
- When a crest meets a crest, the amplitude...
- increases
- When a crest meets a trough, the amplitude...
- is reduced
- A wave that appears to stay in one place and does not seem to move through the medium
- standing wave
- Point on a standing wave that has no displacement from the rest position
- Node
- A point where a crest or trough occurs midway between two nodes
- antinode
- A standing wave forms only if half a wavelength or a multiple of half a wavelength...
- fits exactly into the length of a vibrating cord
- Longitudinal waves- compressions and rarefactions- that travel through a medium.
- Sound waves
- Many behaviors of sounds can be explained using.. (5)
- speed, intensity, loudness, frequency, and pitch.
Waves travel fastest in ___
slower in ____
and slowest in ____ -
solids, liquids, gasses
(particles in a solid are closer together than particles in a liquid or gas) - The speed of sound depends on...
- density and elasticity of the medium
- the rate at which a wave's energy flows through a given area
- Intensity
- Sound intensity depends on both...
- the wave's amplitude and the distance from the sound source
- Sound intenisty levels are measured in...
- decibels (dB) - a unit that compares the intensity of different sounds
- The decibel scale is based on...
- powers of ten
- a physical response to the intensity of sound, modified by physical factors.
- Loudness
- As intensity increases, loudness _____
- increases
- the frequency of sound as you percieve it
- pitch
- sound at frequencies lower than most people can hear
- Infrasound
- sound at frequencies higher than most people can hear
- Ultrasound
- Ultrasound is used in...
- sonar and ultrasound imaging
- a technique for determining the distance to an object under water.
- Sonar
- S.O.N.A.R
- sound navigation and ranging
- Each ultrasound puplse
- 1/8000 of a second
- A change in sound frequency caused by motion of the sound sorce, listener, or both.
- Doppler effect
- Doppler effect was discovered by...
- Austrian scientist Christian Doppler. (1803-1853)
- As a source of sound approaches, an observer hears a ____ frequency. As it moves away, a _____ frequency is heard.
- higher, lower
- 3 system ear consists of
- Outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear
- gathers and focuses sound into the middle ear
- the outer ear
- recieves and amplifies vibrations
- middle ear
- uses nerve endings to sense vibrations and send signals to the brain
- inner ear
- sound wave strikes eardrum, (a tightly stretched membrane between outer and middle) - & the eardrum vibrates at the same frequency as the sound waves striking it.
- Outer ear
- Contains hammer, anvil, & stirrup. When eardrum vibrates, the hammer vibrates at the same frequency. The hammer strikes the anvil, which moves the stirrup back and forth. The three bones act as a lever system to amplify the motion of the eardrum.
- The middle ear
- 3 bones in middle ear
- Hammer, anvil, & stirrup
- Vibrations from the stirrup travel into the cochlea (a spiral shapes canal filled with fluid) The inside of the cochlea is lined w/ thousands of nerve cells with tiny hair-like projections. As the fluid in the cochlea vibrates, the projections sway back
- Inner ear
- Sound is recorded by...
- converting sound waves into electronic signals that can be processed and stored.
- Sound is reproduced by...
- converting electronic signals back into sound wavesl
- Most musical instruments vary their pitch by..
- changing the frequency of standing waves
- Musical instruments often use ___ to amplify sound
- resonance
- Response of a standing wave to another wave of the same frequency
- Resonance
- A wave entering a new medium at an angle will undergo _____ as one end of the wave changes speed.
- Refraction
- A cat can hear frequencies up to _______
- 65,000 Hertz
- The ______ is a line drawn perpendicular to the barrier in a reflective wave
- normal
- Instead of crests and troughs, as in an ocean wave, a longitudinal wave has _____ and ______
- compassion & rarefaction
- An _____ _____ is a frequency higher than most people can hear
- ultrasonic soundwave
- In a transverse wave, ______ is measured from crest to crest or from trough to trough
- Doppler Effect
- The crest of a transverse wave is most similar to a(an) ______ in a longitudinal wave
- compression
- A _____ is the material through which a mechanical wave travels
- medium
- _______ measures the greatest displacement of a wave from the rest position
- amplitude
- A wave in a rope is a transverse wave, but a sound in a wave is a _____ wave
- longitudinal
- At the _____ of a standing wave, there is no displacement from the rest position.
- node
- In 1970, ___ ____ worked with noise cancellation technology
- Barry Chaplain
- The standard measure used to compare sound intensities is the ______
- decibel
- Earthquake waves are ____ as they pass through different layers of earth
- refracted
- The range of human hearing is _____ to _____ Hz
- 20 - 20,000 hertz
- The _____ ____ is a change in sound frequency caused by motion of the sound source, motion of the listener, or both.
- Doppler Effect
- The part of the ear that is a funnel for sound waves is the _____ ear.
- outer eat
- ____ ___ occurs when troughs of one waave meet crests of another wave.
- interference
- Once you find a frequency that produces a ____ ____, doubling or tripling the frequency will also produce it.
- standing wave
- Sounds greater than _____ dB can damage hearing.
- 90 - 120 decibels
- A line drawn showing the direction a wave travels on a reflective wave is called a _____
- ray
- If two waves collide and form a temporary larger wave, the interference is _____
- constructive
- An _____ ____ is a frequency lower than most people can hear.
- infrasonic soundwave
- Waves in a rope are transverse waves because the medium's vibration is ____ to the direction in which the wave travels.
- at right angles
- ____ ____ breoke the sound barrier by flying at a speed of 293 m/s at an altitude of 12,0000 m.
- Chuck Yeager