Earthquakes and Volcanos Vocabulary
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- P-wave
- primary wave: a type of seismic wave that compresses and expands the ground
- active
- said of a volcano that is erupting and shows signs of errupting in the near future.
- volcano
- a weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface
- reverse fault
- a fault at an angle, caused by compression, where the hanging wall moves upwardExample Aplalachain Mountains
- geyser
- a type of hot spring that builds up pressure underground and errupts at regular intervials as a fountain of water and steam
- extinct
- said of a volcano that is unlikely to errupt again
- batholith
- A mass of rock formed when a large body of magma cools inside the crust
- liquefaction
- loose soft soil is turned into liquid mud during violent earthquakes
- normal fault
- a fault on an angle, caused by tension, where the hanging wall slides downward. Example: Rio Grande Rift Valley
- fault
- a break in the Earth's curst where slabs of rock slip past each other
- fault-block mountain
- a mountain that forms where a normal fault uplifts a block of rock
- earthquake
- the shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth's surface
- aftershock
- an earthquake that occurs after a larger earthquke in the same area
- magma
- a molten mixture of rock forming substances,gases, and water from the mantle
- sheild volcano
- a wide gentle slopping volcano made of layers of lava and formed by quiet erruptions.
- anticline
- an upward fold in rock fromed by compression in Earth's crust
- cinder cone
- a steep cone shaped hill or mountain made of volcanic ash, cinders, and bombs piled up at the volcano's opening
- lava
- liquid magma that reaches the surface
- island arc
- a string of islands formed by the volcanoes along a deep ocean trech
- composite volcano
- a tall, cone-shaped mountain in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash and other volcanic materials, also know as a stratavolcano
- richter scale
- a scale that rates the seismic wavesas measured by a paticular type of mechanical seismograph
- hot spot
- an area where magma from deep within the mantle melts right through the crust above it
- fold
- a bend in rock that forms where part of Earth's crust is compressed
- silica
- a material that is formed from the elements oxygen and silicon:silica is found magma and sand
- tension
- the stress force that pulls on the crust, streching rock to make it thinner
- Tsunami
- large waves that are formed when water is displaced by earthquakes
- caldera
- the large hole at the top of the volcano formed when the roof of the volcano's magma chamber collaspes
- ring of fire
- a major belt of volcanos that rim the pacific ocean
- s-wave
- secondary wave; a type of seismic waves that moves the ground up and down or side to side
- strike-slip fault
- a fault, caused by by shearing, where rocks on either side move past each other sideways with little up and down motion. Example; San Andreas fault
- hanging wall
- the block of rock that forms the upper part of a fault
- magma chamber
- the pocket beneath a volcano where magma collects
- shearing
- the stress force thet pushes a mass of rock in two opisite directions
- syncline
- a downward fold in rock formed by compression in Earth's crust
- crater
- a bowl shaped area that forms around a volcano's central opening
- basalt
- a dark,dense,igneous rock , with fine texture, found in oceanic crust
- footwall
- the block of rock that forms the lower half of a fault
- dormant
- a volcano that doen't show sighn of errupting in the near furture
- pyroclastic flow
- the explusion of ash, cinders, bombs, and gases during on explosive volcanic erruption
- epicenter
- the point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus
- deformation
- any change in the volume or shape of the Earth's crust
- surface waves
- a type of seismic wave that forms when p-waves and s-waves reach Earth's surface
- compression
- the stress force that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks
- stress
- a force that act on rock to change its volume or shape