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Science Chapter 2-Earthquakes-Vocabulary

For those who want a good grade on their up-coming test!!


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P waves
type of seismic wave that compresses and expands the ground
force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume
the shaking of the earth's crust
satellite monitors
takes pictures of faults by using the radar
fault-block mountain
mountain that forms where a normal fault uplifts a block of rock
S waves
type of seismic wave that moves the ground up and down or side to side
landform that has a more or less level surface and is elevated high above sea level
measurement of an earthquake's strength based on seismic waves and movement along faults
laser-ranging device
device that bounces laser beams off a reflector to detect fault movements
device that measures vertical movements
moment-magnitude scale
scale that rates earthquakes by estimating the total energy released by an earthquake
block of rock that forms the lower half of the fault
base-isolated building
building mounted on bearings designed to obsorb the energy of an earthquake
Richter Scale
a scale that rates seismic waves as measured by a particular ype of mechanical seismograph
downward fold in rock formed by compression in Earth's crust
a giant wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor
device that records ground movemetns caused by seismic waves as they move through Earth
the point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus
stress that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks
Mercalli Scale
scale that rates earthquakes according to their intensity and how much damage they cause
bend in rock that forms where part of Earth's crust is compressed
hanging wall
block of rock that forms the upper half of a fault
point beneath EArth's surface where rock breaks under stress and causes an earthquake
reverse fault
type of fault where the hanging wall slides upward
strike-slip fault
type of fault where rocks on either side move past each other side ways in a little up and down motion
a break in earth's crust where slabs of rock slip past each other
a change in volume or shape of earth's crust
creep meters
measures horizontal movement
an earthquake that occurs after an larger earthquake in the same area
process by which an earthquake's violent movement suddenly turns into liquid mud
normal fault
type of fault where the hanging wall slides downwards caused by tension
stress that stretches rock so that it becomes thinner in the middle
upward fold in rock formed by compression of Earth's crust
stress that pushes a mass of rock in opposite directions

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