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Science- Chapter 9


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Ring of Fire
a long arc formed around the edges of the Pacific Ocean
convergent boundary
a plate boundary where plates are colliding and coming together
pieces of the lithophere that are composed of a rigid layer of the uppermost mantle and a layer of oceanic or continental crust, or both
inner core
the hottest, most dense layer of Earth composed of mostly iron; located at the center
relative dating
fossils are about the same age as the rock around them
remains of once living organisms preserved in layers of sediment
the thinnest, outermost layer of Earth; made up of rocky material
records seismic waves- any movement in earth's crust
mid-ocean ridge
mountain range that runs continuously around Earth on the seafloor with a rift valley in between; formed when magma is forced upward and cracks the crust apart; a source for new rock
a super-continent that existed over 200 million years ago and included all of the present day continents
location where earthquake movement first occurs
transform boundary
a plate boundary where plates are moving side by side, causing faults in the crust
cone-shaped with steep slopes, explode frequently, Mount St. Helen's
plate tectonics
a system of plates made up of crust that move around the surface of Earth
divergent boundary
a plate boundary where the plates are moving apart
plate boundary
edge of techtonic plate
molten rock that exists under the Earth's surface
point on Earth's surface directly above the location of initial plate boundary movement
Shield volcanoes
gentle slopes, made of almost all lava, eruptions are calm, Hawaii
continental drift
the hypothesis that states that all of the continents were once part of Pangaea and drifted across the Earth over time on tectonic plates
a layer that consists of the crust and the uppermost mantle
Richter scale
used to express magnitude of an earthquake
huge ocean wave usually caused by earthquakes under the ocean floor
hypothesized that Earth's continents slowly move about the surface
outer core
the liquid part of the core, located below the mesophere and above the inner core
found in such areas as faults, plate boundaries ans hot spots
seismic wave
wave produced by energy that is released when rock moves at plate boundaries
horizontal layers of sediment
seafloor spreading
pulling apart of plate boundaries under the ocean floor

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