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- The lava whose chemical composition is similar to that of both light-colored and dark-colored lava is:
- andesite
- Which of the following is located on a major earthquake and volcano zone?- Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden
- Iceland
- Which type of volcano is the Mauna Loa?
- shield volcano
- The mosst common cause of earthquakes is:
- faulting
- Type of eruption and type of particles/lava for a Cinder Cone is:
- explusive eruption, cinders and other rock particels
- A instument that detects and measure siesmic waves is called a:
- seismograph
- How can you tell?
- the lava is runny
- The strength of earthquakes is measured according to a scale called the:
- Richter scale
- Which type of volcano is the Paricutin?
- cinder cone
- Particals the size of rice grains are called:
- volcanic ash
- S wave
- travels through solids- secondary wave-the denser the faster it moves- side to side- second wave
- The point on the Earth's surface directly above the point of origin is called the:
- epicenter
- P wave
- travel through solid, liquid, and gases- the primary wave- pulls and pushes- the denser the material the faster it moves- first wave
- An earthquake under the ocean floor produces a giant sea wave called a:
- tsunami
- Which type of volcano would have basalt?
- shield volcano
- Particles the size of golf balls are called:
- cinders
- The underground piont of origin of an earthquake is called the:
- focus
- L wave
- doesn't travel through anything- surface wave- slowest moving wave- up and down- last wave
- A scientist who studies earthquakes is called a:
- seismologist
- Type of eruption and type of particles/lava for a Composite Volcano is:
- quite lava flows and explusive eruption,lava and raock particals
- The number of earthquakes that cause severe changes in the Earth,s surface in a year is is:
- 20
- Type of eruption and type of particles/lava for a Shield Volcano is:
- quite lava flows, lava
- Rising of the land near a fault is a warning signal used to predict:
- earthquakes
- Which type of volcano is the Mount Vesuvius?
- composite volcano
- The name of the major fault line located in California is:
- San Andreas