Med-Surg Nursing - 05
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- adult development
- development of physical, sociocultural, and psychologic factors in aging adults
- ageism
- a negative attitude based on age, which leads to discrimination in the care given to older adults
- caregiver
- someone who provides supervision and direct care, and coordinates services
- delirium
- a transient condition characterized by disorganized thinking, difficulty concentrating, and sensory misperceptions that lasts from 1 to 7 days
- elder abuse
- physical, financial, psychologic, or sexual abuse that occurs against older adults
- ethno-geriatrics
- a term used to describe the specialty area of providing culturally competent care to ethnic elders
- frail elderly
- the term given to represent adults 75 years of age and older with a variety of ongoing and accumulating health concerns
- gerontologic nursing
- a specialty nursing practice in which the nurse approaches the older adult patient with a whole-person (physical, psychologic, socioeconomic) perspective
- Medicare
- medical reimbursement coverage for those 65 years of age and older designed for acute illness care; also covers persons who receive social security disability benefits and persons with end-stage renal disease
- nonstochastic theory
- the hypothesis that things are not related to chance; in aging it refers to a theory that aging occurs at the molecular and cellular levels and is programmed by genes
- old-old adults
- a term used to represent adults who are 75 years of age and older
- polypharmacy
- the use of multiple medications by one patient who has more than one health problem
- stochastic theory
- the hypothesis that things are due to chance
- young-old adults
- a term used to represent adults who are 55 to 75 years of age