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gender-sensitive therapies


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feminist therapy
born out of the womens movement of the 1960s and 1970s, Premise: women do not experience equality and are oppressed. Focus: recognizing the negative effects of male dominated society on womens self-concept and work to gain egalitarianism
difficulty identifying and expressing emotions, men tend to rely more on cognition and logic to deduce how they feel.
the sturdy oak
men must exude confidence, strenth, self resilience
internalized disorder
turnign the pain inward, wome are diagnosed more frequently with internalizing disorders as they are to be docile and non-aggressive (ex: depression, anxiety)
involves 2 independent people sharing and caring with and for each other
a commitment to equal social, economic, and political rights for men and women
*Ideal individual
is in touch with own feelings and needs; self-nuturant; politically active for social improvement; interdependent
social liberation
advocating for the rights of oppressed populations, empowering clients to change, and making policy interventions ex: volunteering, educating the public, lobbying
personality influences by gender roles
girls socialied to: be nuturant, sweet, sensitive, docile and be attractice to men. boys are socialized to: be aggressive, power-seeking, strong, stoic, brave, and view women as objects of consumption
gender socialization*
how we are molded by society to be feminine/masculine. is the cause of dysfunctional behavior is related to gender through the gender socialization process and expectations.
no sissy stuff
men must avoid femininity
power analysis group
increase womens consciousness of power differenetials and encourage them to take action
equal relationship between therapist and client
client learns about self and environment through reading. Topics: assertion, sexual abuse, womens health, discrimination, etc.
4 sterotypes of "true masculinity" brannon and david
1. no sissy stuff 2.the big wheel 3.the study oak 4. give 'em hell
the process wherby the therapist instills power in the client
mommy track
choice of having a child= no more promotions
Individuo-Social Conflicts
adjustment v. transcendence: women MUST NOT adjust to a patriarchal society, instead they must transcend. They must work agains the oppression in order to faciltate growth.
Process: Consciouness Raising
make women aware that her sufereing has resulted from oppression and silencing, NOT her own deficits. Clients often referred to feminist groups (power analysis or sex-role analysis groups). Bibliotherapy
internalized oppression
external messages become a part of how we think, feel and behave. Women forego true desires for career and more masculine traits to conform to societal expectations. this leads to bottled up resentment, anger, and eventually self destructive behavior
INTERpersonal conflicts
Communication: men and women must listen to each other, women must be willing to express anger and frustration. Control: woem must work to gain power as power= control and self confidence
effectiveness of feminist therapy and male sensitive therapy has not been rigorously evaluated
therapeutic relationship
therapist models appropraite interactions and "empowered behavior". Egalitarianism by: 1. reducing knowledge discrepancy 2. generating mutual goals 3. therapists self-disclosure, establish trust, communication, and sense of understanding. these components work to not replicate the power imbalance the client experiences b/w self and society
new therapeutic perspectives
increase awareness of gender expectations; have male clients create new gender expectations (real men care for their children and express feelings); treatment formats: sit side by side;,avoid open-ended questions about feelings, focus initially on practical matters; Group therapy- encouraged for men based on idea of male bonding and cooperation in team sports, build trust amongst men shows they they are not alone.
role strain
occurs from stress resulting from varying responsibilites: work, mother, wife, student..
give em hell
men are aggressive and daring
short term and long term therapy; lower cost sessions, sliding fee scales (makes therapy more accessible to disadvantaged groups); empowered consent- client gets access to clinicians knowledge; therapist must be trained in socil-gender issues; mostly female therapists
male sensitive psychotherapy: hurdles for therapist
alexithymia, fear of intimacy, and reluctance to admit to problem
role conflicts
occurs when responsibilites clash with each other
client now has choices, she can change herslef and work to change society.
Process: Choosing
chosing power and choosing hwo to use it. Through choosing, client is throught to devleop autonomy, self-confidence, and power. Empowering-client now has choices, she can change herself and work to change society. Social liberation
*sex-role analysis groups
increase awareness of how men and women are socialized differently and how female sex role expectations negatively affects them
*mother blaming
portrays mothers as responsible for all the problems of children
externalizing disorders
acting out in response to emotional pain, men are diagnosed more frequently with externalizing disorders, as they are socialied to be more aggressive. ex: substance abuse, ASPD
the big wheel
men must be successful, admired, breadwinners
male centered, this is how modern psychotherapy is. Created by white men, ignored needs of diverse populations
*glass ceiling
sublt barrier that women and minorities face in their climbing the corporate ladder
* feminization of poverty
single and divorced women and their kids constitute large proportion of poor people. economic gradility= less power, less protectiion against lifes strains, and more distress; gender gaps in work wages and positions. Mommy track, glass ceiling
Meaning in Life
ther therapist encourages women to embrace many options and find which is right for them (kids v. no kids, carreers v. home)
INTRApersonal conflicts
Anxiety results from conflicting roles, bring client in congruence with roles and accepting of decisions, regardless of societal pressures

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