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us hist ch. 9


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Thomas Jefferson
Republican, elected president of US in election of 1800 strict constitutionalist
"The Revolution of 1800"
The election of Jefferson marked a peaceful transition from Federalist to Republican party
Jefferson's cabinet:
James Madison: Secretary of State Albert Gallatin: Secretary of the treasury
Marbury v. Madison case (1803)
Chief justice John Marshall ruled that portion of the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstinutional. Established the power of judicial review and expanded the power of the court
judicial review
Allos the Supreme Court to declare acts of Congress and the president unconstitutional
"Four Pillars of Posterity"
During Jefferson's presidency Part of Hamilton's financial program: manufacturing, commerce, navigation, and agriculture Supported by Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase 1803
Jefferson buys Louisiana Territory from Napoleon (Europe) Result: Us doiubles in size and US controls the Mississippi River
Embargo Act of 1807
By Jefferson after U.S.S. Chesapeake was attacked by the British US ships not allowed to leave US harbors Ended up hurting the US commerce and was later repealed
James Madison
4th President Republican Jefferson's secretary of state Won presidency in 1808
Macon's Bill No. 2
US would resume trade with the first nation, either England or France, that pledged to end its harassement of US shipping Napoleon tricked Madison
Reasons US declare war on Great Britain in June 1812
1. War hawks saw war with England as a way to conquer Canada 2. Westerners were unhappy with the situtation with the Indians 3. Britain continued the impressment of Us seamen
War Hawks
newly elected representatives to Congress, republicans in favor of the war of 1812
William Henry Harrison
General and governor of the Indiana Territory Fought the Indians and defeated them at Tippecanoe
Shawnee Indian to tried to form a confederation of tribes to fight the advances of the whites
A very famous Indian battle that made Harrison a hero
Francis Scott Key
Wrote the Star-Spangled Banner at the US victory at Fort McHenry
_____ opposed the war
New England. They were scared that their power would dimish as new Western States were admitted to the Union
Hartford Convention
New England states meet to propose amendment to the Constitution to reduce the power of other sections of the country Federalists were mad about losing war and wanting to end the 3/5 clause and even threatended to secede, but it just made them look bad
Treaty of Ghent 1814
The treaty after the War of 1812 ended. It was signed between US and Great Britain. The territory held by Britain and the US was to return to the way it was before the war (status quo ante bellum)
Results of the War of 1812
1. Opened a new way for a new relationship between England and US 2. Embargo led to development of US industries and country began to look within itself for goods and services it needs 3. Absense of Britain and Spain left US free to expand 4. A new spi
Rush-Bagot Agreement 1818
Involved the fortification ofthe Great Lakes
Adams-Onis Treaty 1819
US buys Florida from Spain
James Monroe
5th President, Virginia Republican Term mark time when US grew from within
Henry Clay
proposed the idea of the American System believed that the industrial North would become the manufacturing center for the US Necessary to improve transportation, set up a national banking system, and levy protective tariffs
Protective tariffs
taxes on imports high enough to keep out competitive foreign goods Reven from protective tariffs used for internal improvements (roads)
Second Bank of the United States
charted by Congress 1816 issued paper money that could be used in all places
Fletcher v. Peck 1810
First time Court declared a state law unconstitutional, stating that a state cannot pass laws which violate the federal Constituion
Dartmouth College v. Woodward 1819
States cannot interfere with contracts between states and corporations
McCulloch v. Maryland 1819
Marshall declared the Bank of US constituational and extened the authority of federal law over state law
Gibbons v. Ogden 1824
established the federal government's power to regulate interstate commerce. intrastate commerce = under control of the state
interstate commerce
commerce among the states
intrastate commerce
commerce within the state
Monroe Doctrine 1823
US closed to futher colonization, US won't inerfere in existing colonies in Americas or European affairs, Europe shouldn't interfere with US affairs, and if Europe tries to colonize the Western Hemisphere, we will take it as a threat.
Missouri Compromise
Maine enters Union as a free state and Missouri enters as a slave state Slavery forbidden north of 36 30 north latitude line except for southern boundary of Missouri
manifest destiny
belief to expand westward and occupy the lands from the Atlantic to the Pacific
During his administration, Jefferson did:
1. Reduced number of years necessary to be a citizen 2. allowed Alien and Sedition acts to expire 3. reduced the regular army and navy 4. did nothing to the Bank of US 5. Replaced Federalist office holders with Republicans

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