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Where are estrogen synthesized in premenopausal nonpreg women?
Where are progesterone synthesized
1. ovary 2. testes 3. adrenal cortex 4. placenta
3 types of estrogen
1. estrodial 2. estrone 3. estriol
How is estradiol made?
Coversion of testosterone to estradial via aromatase
Describe how estrogen and progresterone are released starting from hypothalamus
1. Hypothal secretes GnRH in a pulsating fashion to stimulate anterior pituitary 2. Anterior Pit produce and secrete FSH and LH 3. FSH/LH act on ovaries to produce and secrete estrogen/progesterone
What inhibits anterior pituitary and hypothalamus?
1. Estrogen/Progesterone inhibits ant-pit and hypothalamus 2. Ovaries also produce Inhibin to inhibit anterior pituitary
3 types of estrogen preparations
1. human estrogen (17B-estradiol) 2. Non-human estrogens (premarin) 3. Synthetic estrogens
2 synthetic estrogens
1. ethinyl estradiol (most common) 2. Estrogen esters (estradiol valerate)
2 types of transdermal preparations and difference
1. estradiol (human) - fewer side effects w/reduced risk of blood clots 2. ethyinyl estradiol - increase risek of blood clots
There are natural and synthetic preparations of progestin, list the 3 types of synthetic progestin
1. 17-hydroxyprogesterone acetate derivatives 2. sprionolactone derivatives 3. 19-nor testosterone derivatives
What are the progestin preparations estrogenic and/or androgenic acvity
1. 17-hydroxyprogesterone acetate derivatives-no androgenic or estrogenic activity 2. sprionolactone derivatives-weak anti-androgenic activity (no estrogenic or androgenic activity) 3. 19-nor testosterone derivatives - varying androgenic activity, there is estrogenic activity
Name 2 17 hydroxyprogesterone acetate derivatieves
1MPA and 17-hydroxy progesterone (caproate)
Who is indicated for caproate (17-hydroxyprogesterone)
For preg pts whose had premature births in the past
Name the spironolactone derivative of progestin
Name the 1st generation 19-nor testerone derivative. (1)
1. norethindrone
Name the 2nd generation 19-nor testerone derivative. (3)
1. levonorgesterl (highest androgenic activity) 2. norgestrel 3. ethynodiol diacetate
Name the 3rd generation 19-nor testerone derivative. (2)
1. desogestrel 2. norgestimate
Name the 4th generation 19-nor testerone derivative. (1)
Which of the generations have highest risk of VTE?
3rd generation
Describe estrogen receptors (2)
1. Have alpha/beta receptors with different gene products and non-redundant functions 2. mechanistically similar to glucocorticoid receptors
Describe progesterone receptor (2)
1. Have A and B receptors 2. mechanistically similar to steroid hormone receptors]
What is the direct genomic effect of estrogen receptors
ligand induces homo/hetero dimer formation leading to interaction w/ERE
what is the indirect genomic effect of estrogen receptors
ER binds to other transcription factors to effect transcription of non-ERE containing genes such as AP1, SP1 and NFkB]
3 ways endogenous estrogen effects growth/development
1. develop primary and secondary female characteristics 2. growth of myometrium and endometrial lining 3. support female reproductive structures
How does endogenous estrogen effect menstrual cycle?
1. Required for ovarian follicular development 2. required for regulation of cycle
3 metabolic effects of estrogen
1. decrease bone resortption 2. decrease cholesterol 3. increase coagulability due to upregulation of genes involved in factors 2,7,9,10 and decreases antithrombin
4 phsyiologic actions of endogenous progesterone
1. increase blood flow of endometrium 2. increase cholesterol 3. raise body temp 4. during pregnancy, it supresses menstration and uterine contractility
4 therapeutic uses of estrogen
1. contraceptive 2. postmenopausal therapy 3. hypogonadism in femaes 4. dysmenorrhea
4 therapeutic uses of anti-estrogen
1. infertility 2. hormone sensitive breast cancer 3. osteoporosis 5. endometriosis
Drug used to tx infertility
Drugs used to tx hormone sensitive breast cancer (3)
1. tamoxifen (SERM) 2. fulvestrant (ER antagonist) 3. anastrozole (armatase inhibitor)
Drugs used to tx osteoporisis
ralxifene (forteo)
Drug used to tx endometriosis
danazol-androgen to block estrogen action
4 therapeutic uses of progestin
1. contraceptived (w or w/o estrogen) 2. HRT in post menopause 3. endometrial cancer 4. dysmenorrhea
What signals the start of menses?
When there is no implantation, progesterone levels signaling the start of menses
For contraceptives, what type of delivery systems avail for combined (estrogen+progestin)
1. oral 2. vaginal ring 3. transdermal
For contraceptives, what type of delivery systems avail for progestin only
1. oral 2. IM or SQ injections 3. Subdermal implants 3. IUD
How does estrogen prevent ovulation (4)
1. suppress FSH secretion 2. stabilizes endometrium to prevent irregular breakthrough bleeding 3. increase progesterone receptors 4. increase fallopian tube peristalisis
How does progestin prevent ovulation (3)
1. Suppress LH secretion 2. Creates thick, viscous mucus to inhibit sperm transport 3. produce endometrium that is not receptive to implantation
Which combination oral contraceptives contain progestin + ethinyl estradiol?
1. Spironolactone - drosprenone 2. 1st, 2nd, 3rd generations (norethidrone, levonorgestrel, norgestrel, ethynodiol diacetate, desgestrel, norgestimate)
Which combination oral contraceptives contain progestin + ethinyl valerate?
Dienogest (4th gen)
Which of the combo oral contraceptive have the most androgenic activity (oily skin)
Types of regimens avail for combo oral contraceptives (4)
1. 21/7 2. 84/7 3. 24/4 4. 365/0
Of the pills in dosage regimen, which is the MOST important one to not miss
The first pill of the next pack right after the "off" period
4 new combo oral drugs for extended cycle control or shortened hormone free interval and their regimen
1. seasonale (84/7 2. Seasonique (84/7lower dose w/4withdrawl bleeds) 3. Yaz (24/4) 4. Loestrin 24/4 + iron
5 risks of combo oral drugs
1. VTE 2. CVD risk in smokers over 35yo 3. MI 4. Strokes 5. Cervical cancer
4 common SE of combo oral drugs
1. irregular bleeds (goes away by 3rd cycle) 2. HA 3. weight gain 4. bloating/edema
7 absolute contraindications for combo oral drugs
1. family DVT/PE 2. uncrontrolled HTN 3. Smoker>35yo 4. migraine w/aura 5. DM w/organ damage 6. Hx breast cancer 7. Liver disease
Name the combo vaginal ring and regimen
NuvaRing: use for 3wks and remove 1 week
Name combo patch and regimen
OrthoEvra; wear 1wk/patch x 3 wks then 4th wk patch free
What SE often associated with Patches compared to oral?
breast tenderness
Who may patches not be effective for?
women over 198lb

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