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US Hist TAKS set #1


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Abraham Lincoln
16th president of the US (1861-1865); responsible for Emancipation Proclomation (1862).
George Washington
commander of the Continental Army appointed by The Continental Congress; 1st president of the US (1789-1797)
unalienable rights
basic human rights that cannot be taken away from them
popular sovereignty
refers to a system of government in which the people hold supreme power
system in which power is shared between the national and the state governments
separation of powers
Constution divided the main powers of the central governmet into three separate branches:
*Legislative Power: U.S. Congress
*Judicial Power: U.S. Supreme Court
*Executive Power: U.S. President
checks and balances
creation of the Constitution making sure that no one branch of the federal government became too powerful; provided each branch of government with ways to "check" or limit the other branches
the alleged right of a state to suspend operation of a federal law within its boundaries
1st Amendment
free speech, press, religion
2nd Amendment
right to bear arms
13th Amendment
(1865) Abolished slavery in the nation.
14th Amendment
(1868) Guaranteed that states give citizens basic civil rights includind "due process of law" and "equal protection."
15th Amendment
(1870) Gave the right to vote to former slaves.
17th Amendment
(1913) Provided for direct election of US Senators
19th Amendment
(1920) Gave women the right to vote.
Plessy v. Ferguson
(1896) decision permitted the continuation of "separate but equal facilities"
Dredd Scott Decision
(Dredd Scott v. Sanford, 1857) the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not prohibit slavery in any U.S. territory
Marbury v. Madison
(1803) landmark court case in which the Supreme Court of the US established its authority to review and invalidate government actions that conflict with the Constitution
Brown v. Board of Education
(1954) Ended segregation in public schools
Declaration of Independence adopted (July 4th)
new Constitution drafted
Spanish-American War
World War I begins in Europe
U.S. entry into World War II
causes of Civil War
Sectionalism, Slavery, Extension of Slavery, States' Rights
causes of American Revolution
"No Taxation Without Representation" (British Parliament, Boston Tea Party), Lexington & Concord (1775)
causes of Spanish-American War
Humanitarian Concerns, Yellow Journalism, Economic Interests, De Lome Letter, Sinking the Maine
The Jungle
(1906) by Upton Sinclair; exposed the unsanitary conditions of the meat-packing industry and led to passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
book by Harriet Beecher Stowe; increased the sense of moral outrage against slavery.

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