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China's Land Economy


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What is a dike?
build up of high banks of sail along a river
What is the Free Enterprise System?
a system that the government allows people to choose their own jobs how much the want to sell them for and where they want their buisness
The largest what is also in China?
Why is the Yellow river called "China's Sorrow"
because it caused floods and caused many lives
What are two natural diasters that occur in China?
floods and earthquakes
The largest plateau is China is called what?
Plateau of Tibet
What do they provide for China?
transportation routs and rich soil
What are Hong Kong and Macau important for?
both cities are centers for manufactoring, trade, and finance
What surrounds deserts on China?
As a result of the changes in the economy what has happened to it?
the economy has boomed
What are China's three main rivers?
Yangtze, Yellow, and Xi
What are the two main deserts?
Taklimakan and Gobi
How has China's economic growth affected China's envoronment?
is has caused pollution to the water and the air
It is the ______ largest country in the world.
What is a fault
a crack in the earth's crust
What is the Turban Depression?
a ditch like bowl that is partly filled with salt water that is below sea level
What is invest?
to put money into a company in China
What is the "one-country, two-systems" pledgs?
China's promise to allow western freedoms and capilization to exist side by side with communism
Mountains cover about how much of China.
What is a communist state?
the government controls the economy and society as a whole

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