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US History: Gilded Age


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Grover Cleveland
22nd and 24th president, Democrat, Honest and hardworking, fought corruption, vetoed hundreds of wasteful bills, achieved the Interstate Commerce Commission and civil service reform, violent suppression of strikes
A Century of Dishonor
Written by Helen Hunt Jackson, it detailed the injustices made to Native Americans during US expansion
James Blaine
Republican nominee for president in 1884, previously a Secretary of State
Populist Party
Political party that opposed the gold standard and pushed for democratization of economic and financial systems. Largely supported by farmers, and failed to leave any direct impact, although its policies where adopted by other parties (use party in answer)
Election year: Republican Garfield defeats Democratic Hancock for president
Pendleton Act
Bill signed into law by Arthur that ends patronage and institutes a meritocratic job-seeking system for civil service
Oklahoma Land Rush
Land run in 1889, after government opens up the territory
John Rockefeller
Industrialist and philanthropist responsible for creation of Standard Oil
Moderate republicans who favored civil service reform
Inventor of the elevator and a safety device for the elevator's hoisting cables
Election year, Cleveland returns to defeat incumbent Harrison for presidency
Slaughtered by railroads
Chester Arthur
21st president, Republican, taking office after assassination of Garfield, revitalized the US Navy and ironically lead the charge of civil service reform
Spiritual organization meant to provide healthy activities for young workers in the cities
Thomas Edison
Inventor of lightbulb, phonograph and numerous other innovations
J.P. Morgan
Banker and Philanthropist who dominated finance, helping create General Electric and U.S. Steel
Vertical integration
Practice where a single entity controls the entire process of a product, from the raw materials to distribution
Election year, Republican McKinley defeats Democrat WJB, extremely competitive election that results in realignment of interests
Horizontal integration
Practice where a single entity controls an entire aspect of production, ensuring that everyone must go through you
Dawes Severalty Act
Bill that promised Indians tracts of land to farm in order to assimilate them into white culture. The bill was resisted, uneffective, and disastrous to Indian tribes
Winfield Scott
Democratic nominee for election of 1880, also loses narrowly, but only by popular vote
Wabash v. Illinois
Court decision that rules states may not directly regulate railroads but leads to establishment of Interstate Commerce Commission
Knights of Labor
Labor union founded by Uriah S. Stephens in 1869, that grew out of the collapse of the National Labor Union and was replaced by AF of L after a number of botched strikes
Morrill Act
Allows for creation of land-grant colleges, colleges built on federally granted land specially appropriated for this purpose. It was signed into law by Lincoln
Interstate Commerce Commission
Regulatory body created by Grover Cleveland for purpose of regulating railroads
Hatch Act
Prevents civil servants from misappropriating public funds for campaign purposes
Frederick Turner
Writer of The Significance of the Frontier in American History, arguing that in the frontier the purest form of democracy exists
Shape of an unsanitary, crowded housing complex
Boss Tweed
Leader of the Democratic Tammany Hall, New York political machine
Transcontinental Railroad
Completed in 1869 at Promontory, Utah, it linked the eastern railroad system with California's railroad system, revolutionizing transportation in the west
Election year: Democratic Cleveland narrowly defeats Republican Blaine after mudslinging campaign. Blaine's campaign is ruined by "Rum, Romanism and Rebellion"
William McKinley
25th president, Republican, Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism
Andrew Carnegie
Industrialist and Philanthropist responsible for U,S, Steel
Gospel of Wealth
Philosophy asserted by Carnegie that the rich had to be philanthropic
Developed in the late 19th century, it revolutionized the transcription of documents but was largely supplanted by the computer
Alexander Graham Bell
Inventor of telephone
Election year: Tilden v. Hayes, Hayes gets presidency after Compromise of 1877
Labor Union
Organization of workers for the purpose of increased lobbying power for benefits and wages
Pullman Strike
4000 railcar workers strike in response to 28% pay cut, bringing a halt to Chicago traffic. Cleveland deploys the United States Marshalls to break up the strike, and Eugene V. Debs gets sent to jail to become a Socialist
Free silver
Political issue involving the unlimited coinage of silver, supported by farmers and William Jennings Bryan
Panic of 1893
Economic panic resulting from a series of bank failures and gold-running on the US Treasury
Helen Hunt Jackson
Author of A Century of Dishonor
Samuel Tilden
Democratic nominee for president in 1876, loses narrowly
Bland-Allison Act
Proposes a 16:1 silver to gold purchase to increase circulation of silver, but in practice is not very successful
Wounded Knee Massacre
Last armed conflict between Sioux and US, instigated by overzealous Ghost Dance
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Increased silver purchase quotas previously set by Bland-Allison Act, but leads to gold-running on the US Treasury
American Federation of Labor
Federation of craft labor unions lead by Samuel Gompers that arose out of dissatisfaction with the Knights of Labor
Sherman Antitrust Act
First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions
Republicans who supported the Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in 1884 because they could not support Blaine
Munn v. Illinois
Court decision that allows states to regulate railroads within their borders, a victory for the Grange
William Jennings Bryan
Politician who ran for president 1896, 1900 and 1908 under Democrats, was a pro-silverite and Populist leader
James Garfield
20th president, Republican, assassinated by Charles Julius Guiteau after a few months in office due to lack of patronage
The Grange
Originally a social organization between farmers, it developed into a political movement for government ownership of railroads
Haymarket Riot
A planned strike by the Knights of Labor results in police confrontation and a bomb
Forgettable presidents
Presidents who made very little effect on American politics
Ghost Dance
Spiritual revival in 1890 by Indians that would lead to the massacre at Wounded Knee
Rutherford Hayes
19th president, Republican, succeeding Grant, didn't do much after the contested election against Tilden
Interlocking directorate
Practice where a single person is part of the boards of multiple companies
U.S. Steel
Established in 1901 by J.P. Morgan and Carnegie, it was a combination of steel operations into a single corporation
Battle of Little Bighorn
Armed conflict against Indians that ends in Indian victory, annihiliating the entire US cavalry. Also referred to as Custer's Last Stand
Family of railroad moguls
Signed into a national park in 1871 by Ulysses S. Grant, it is the first ever national park in the world, established in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho
Benjamin Harrison
23rd President; Republican, poor leader, introduced the McKinley Tariff and increased federal spending to a billion dollars
Panic of 1873
Four year economic depression caused by overspeculation on railroads and western lands, and worsened by Grant's poor fiscal response (refusing to coin silver
National Labor Union
The original national labor federation that, after its decline, paved the way for othe runions
McKinley Tariff
Raises tariff rates to 48.8% in return for Sherman Silver Purchase Act. Detrimental to farmers, Hawaii gets killed
Charles Guiteau
Disappointed job-seeker who assassinated James Garfield
"Traditional" faction of Republican party lead by Conkling who supported patronage and a third term for Grant
Standard Oil
Established in 1870, it was a integrated multinational oil corporation lead by Rockefeller
Election year: Republican Harrison defeats incumbent Cleveland

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