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BI107-Lecture 2


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neural circuit of cockroach
cercal fibers synapse onto giant fibers that synapse onto thoracic ganglion which synapses to motor fibers and onto muscles; REFLEXIVE, no brain involved
neural circuit
sensory to motor through neural tissue; ex: chameleon large eyes = sensory -> sticky tongue = motor
receive info
sea slugs & behavior
starfish predator = stimulus; escape = response; sensory info controls muscle movements
afferent neurons
sensory (post office)
guanine nucleotide binding protein
monosynaptic reflex arcs
ex: patellar reflex
tracing sense to action
sensory -> command neuron -> CPG -> motor neuron -> muscle
can't recognize faces
efferent neurons
motor (extremeties)
g-protein; transduces bitter & sweet
c elegans
common model for muscular dystrophy due to small # of genes, neurons & junctions
g-protein; cell membrane receptor for transduction of visual stimuli
neuron voltage
different colors produced which allows simultaneous recording
action potential
electrical current down axon
visual pigment: retinal + proten opsin; retinal has cis and trans (conversion by light); triggers opening of sodium channel -> nerve depolarization(neuron fire)
cockroach hairs on hind legs that cause firing of neurons from microcurrents of predators; tells direction; 12mm/sec
trap-jaw ant
fastest predatory response known; mandibular motor neuron -> large neoron; 0.033s to respond
conversion of stimulus energy to chemical energy
coupled oscillators
dorsal flexion neuron & ventral flexion neuron; alternating firings; model for human walking, chewing, etc.

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