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God of river, fought with Hercules over Deianira. Unable to beat Hercules, he transforms into a snake and than into a bull. Hercules ripped off one of his horns during the fight
third wife of Hercules
a centaur, offered to help get Deianira across a river, but tries to steal Deianira and Hercules shoots him with a poisoned arrow. Nessus gives Deianira his shirt in promise of reviving love. Deianira uses the shirt years later and kills Hercules
Hercules mistress
Servant of Deianira, delivers the deadly shirt to Hercules and is killed by Hercules
shots the arrow that sets off the pyre for Hercules
Herculess son, marries Iole
Herculess mom
Goddess of childbirth, turns Galanthis into a weasel for tricking her about birth of Hercules
Alcmena's servant, seeing Lucina praying outside Alcmetas room, she distracts her by saying child has been born. Lucina is shocked and is distracted long enough to allow the birth of Hercules
Sister of Iole, transformed to a lotus tree for unwittingly picking blossoms from a tree that had once been a nymph
skilled poet and singer, marries Eurydice. Goes to Hades to bring Eurydice back, charms Pluto and Proserpine with his lute and releases Eurydice under the condition that he doesnt look back while walking out of Hell. As light shows, he looks back to s
wife of Orpheus, is killed with a snakebite on their wedding day
Queen of the underworld, married to Pluto and is impressed with Orpheuss lute skills
 boy loved by Jove (Zeus), kidnapped by Jove disguised as an eagle, and becomes cup-bearer.
small boy loved by Apollo (Phoebus). Was killed by a discus thrown by Apollo, a flower named Hyacinthus was named where he died.
 he was a sculptor from Cyprus, carved an ivory statue of a women and falls in love with it. Later turned into flesh by Venus, gets married and has daughter named Paphos
Goddess of love, turns the statue that Pygmalion makes into a real women, favors marriage.
daughter of Pygmalion, has a son named Cinyras
falls in love with her father Myrrha, tries to hang herself b/c she knows it wrong. But her nurse finds here before and tells her to confess her love. The nurse sets out a plan to arrange a meeting. They sleep together and Cinyras later finds out her t
Father of Myrrha, son of Paphos. Unknowingly sleeps with her daughter
Child (boy) of Myrrha, loved by Venus. Born when a split of tree happened, very beautiful person, likes to hunt wild beasts.
Story told by Venus, a fast girl, would only marry someone that could beat her in a foot-race. Accepting death if lost
Races Atalanta and wins with the help of Venus (3 golden apples). Atalanta cant help but to chase after the apples. Hippomenes wins and they get married. But forget to thank Venus so when they were at a shrine, Venus set out a spell to make them wanna
Ciconian Women/Maenads 
group of women that killed Orpheus, they were also Bacchus followers and were later punished (turned to trees) by Bacchus for their sins.
River Hebrus 
river that Orpheuss head and lyre flowed down upon
Elysian Fields 
place (Greek underworld) where Orpheus searched and found his wife after he died
God of wine, son of Jove) punishes the Maenads and upon returning home, finds that Silenus has been captured and brought to King Midas
Bacchuss foster father
Upon returning Silenus to Bacchus, is granted one wish (wishes that whatever he touches turns into gold). Realizes bad idea b/c he cant eat, so takes back wish and flees to the woods and becomes a follower of Pan. Has his ears turned to asss ears so we
God of woods and shepherd (half man, half goat). Challenges Pan to a music contest. Apollo wins.
God of sight, past, present, future. Wins music contest and turns Midass ears to asss ears b/c he disagrees that Apollo won
King Laomedon, has Apollo and Neptune build great walls for the city, but Laomedon claims payment was never promised. So Neptune floods the city and demands sacrifice of Princess Hesione. Hercules rescues her, but than Laomedon again refuses payment. H
Daughter and princess of King Laomedon. Was about to be sacrificed but is rescued by Hercules, later marries Telamon
grandson of Jove (Zeus), tried to rape Thetis but she kept changing forms, next day with the help of Gods (Proteus), Peleus succeeds and becomes married, they have child Achilles
Mother of Achilles, a sea-nymph, marries Peleus
Fisherman recently transformed into a sea-god, falls in love and pursues Scylla. Wanted to impress Scylla so he went to Circe, but Circe fell in love with Glaucus so she turned a pool that Scylla loved with a poison, next time Scylla went in the bottom h
A beautiful girl that got turned into a monster based on jealousy. Transformed from a monster to a rocky crag later
a powerful magician that turned Scylla into a monster based on jealousy. She wanted Glaucus. And later Odysseus
Sailed to Carthage and was loved by Queen Dido
Apollos seers, helps Aeneas speak to his father in the underworld. Was granted one wish by Apollo and wished to live forever, but never wished for eternal youth
sailed with Ulysses, was left on the island of Cyclops when Ulysses put out the Cyclops one eye
Cyclops, son of Poseidon
aka Odysseus, was given a bag of winds from Aeolus but his men opened the bag thinking it was gold and got blown back to Aeoluss island.
son of Saturn, was a beautiful man and was loyal to his wife Canens, when Picus was hunting boar, Circe approached him and when he rejected Circe, she turned him into a woodpecker. Canens went looking for his husband and upon not finding him, she cried
wife of Picus, searched everywhere for Picus and upon not finding him, she cried and her body melted into a puddle
Ships of Aeneas 
was set on fire by Turnuss men, but Cybele wouldnt let it burn b/c the wood of ship was from her forest. A storm was set and the ship sinks. Turnus dies and the city falls. Venus wishes to have Aeneas (her son) become god, wish is granted.
Wood nymph and devoted to gardening. Has no interest in men, but Vertumnus successful woos her but pretending to be an old woman. Tells her story of a young man who fell in love with a young girl. With rejection, he kills himself and when the girl saw
God of changing seasons, fell in love with Pomona, disguises himself as an old woman and convinces Pomona to marry him.
Son of Mars, founder of Rome, fought with sabines for the city. Venus aids with a flood and Romulus wins. Treaty was created where Tatius of Sabines would have partial rule. After Tatius dies, Romulus becomes sole king Romulus becomes god.
an early Roman god, a Sabine god.
son of Zeus and Alcmene, marries Deianira after beating Achelous. Becomes god after his mortal part dies

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