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a naturally occuring, inorganic solid that has a crysal structure and a definite chemical composition
mohs hardness scale
a scale ranking ten minerals from softest to hardest
not formed from living things or the remains of living things
naturally occuring
to be classified as a mineral, a substance must occur naturally
a mineral that has a definite volume or shape

particles cannot move freely
crystal structure
the particles of a mineral line up in a pattern that repeats over and over again

flat sides called faces that meet up at sharp edges
the repeating pattern of a mineral's particles forms a solid called a crystal
definite chemical composition
a mineral always contains certain elements in definite proportions
a substance composed of a single kind of atom
in a compound two or more elements are combined so that the elements no longer have distinct properties
identifying minerals
each mineral has it's own specific properties that can be used to identify it
identifying minerals by it's hardness
color of a mineral is an easily observed physical property
streak test can provide clues to a mineral's identity

the color of it's powder is the streak
the term used to describe how a mineral reflects light from its surface
each mineral has a characteristic density

a mass in a given space or mass per unit volume
crystal systems
the crystals of each mineral grow atom by atom to find that mineral's particular structure
a mineral that splits easily along flat services has the property called cleavage
describes how a mineral looks when it breaks apart in an irregular way
special properties
some minerals can be identified by special physical properties
minerals that glow under ultra violet lights
process that form minerals
minerals can form in two ways; through crystalization of melted materials and through crystalization of materials dissolved in water
minerals from magma
minerals form as hot magma cools inside the crust or as lava hardens on the surface
minerals from hot water solutions
some times the elements that form a mineral dissolve in hot water
a mixture in which one substance dissolves into another
a narrow channel or slab of a mineral that is much different from the surrounding rock
minerals formed by evaporation
when solutions evaporate they can form minerals
where minerals are found
earth's crust is made up mostly of the common rock forming minerals combined in various types of rocks

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