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SAT Subject- Biology E/M A-B

Terms from the glossary of the Kaplan Biology E/M SAT Subject Test Study-Guide.

Part 1 Terms A-B


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globular proteins produced by tissues that destroy or inactivate antigens
an organism that requires oxygen for respiration and can live only in the presence of oxygen
a mall sex hormone (e.g., testosterone)
nonliving, as in the physical environment
the stage in mitosis that is characterized by the migration of chromatids to opposite ends of the cell; the stage in meiosis during which homologus pairs migrate (Anaphase I), and the stage in meiosis during which chromatids migrate to different ends of the cell (Anaphase II)
the phylum to which segmented worms belong
a stage of embryonic development in which the embryo consists of a hollow ball of cells
the part of the male reproductive organ (the stamen) that produces and stores pollen
adrenaline (epinephrin)
an "emergency" hormone stimulated by anger or fear; increase blood pressure and heart rate in order to supply the emergency needs of the muscles
requiring free oxygen from the atmosphere for normal activity and respiration
a process of asexual reproduction in which the offspring develop from an outgrowth of the plant or animal
the conversion of digested foods and other materials into forms usable by the body (i.e., the conversion of amino acids into proteins)
assortative mating
the type of mating that occurs when an organism selects a mating partner that resembles itself
a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
bacteria that are rod shaped
an organism that does not require free oxygen in order to respire
bile salts
compounds in bile that aid in emulsification
a transmitter substance released from the axons of nerve cells at the synapse
adrenocorticotrophic hormone
usually referred to as ACTH and secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland; stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce its characteristic hormones
living or active in the absence of free oxygen; pertaining to respiration that is independent of oxygen
aortic arch
blood vessels located between ascending and descending aortas that deliver blood to most of the upper body
adrenal cortex
the ourter part of the adrenal gland that secretes many hormones, including cortisone and aldosterone
alternation of generations
the description of a plant life cycle that consists of a diploid, asexual, sporophyte generation and a haploid, sexual, gametrophyte generation
in plants, an area of undifferentiated tissue covered by embryonic leaves
a plant growth hormone
the largest artery; carries blood from the left ventricle
an emulsifying agent secreted by the liver
any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome
aqueous humor
fluid in the eye, found between the cornea and the lens
alimentary canal
an organ centrally involved in the human digestive system
a structure that extends from the trunk of an organism and is capable of active movements
a type of virus that can destroy bacteria by infecting, parasitizing and eventually killing them
self-digestion occurring in plant and animal tissues, particularly after they have ceased to function properly
a foreign protein that stimulates the production of antibodies when introduced into the body of an organism
amoeboid movement
movement involving the flowing of cytoplasm into pseudopods, as in amoeba
ADH (vassopressin)
a hormone that regulates water reabsorption
the phylum to which jointed-legged invertebrates belong, including insects, arachnids and crustaceans
a behavioral or biological change that enables an organism to adjust to its environment
asexual reproduction
the production of daughter cells by means other than the sexual union of gametes (as in budding and binary fission)
the process by which water and dissolved substances pass through a membrane
active immunity
protective immunity to a disease in which the individual produces antibodies as a result of previous exposure to the antigen
adaptive radiation
the production of a number of different species from a single ancestral species
adenosine phosphate
adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which are energy storage molecules
autonomic nervous system
the part of the nervous system that regulates the involuntary muscles, such as the walls of the alimentary canal; includes the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems
one or two or more types of genes, each representing a particular trait; many alleles exist for a specific gene locus
an air sac in the lung; the site of respiratory exchange, involving diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air in the alveolus and the blood in the capillaries
a habitat zone, such as desert, grassland or tundra
the thin-walled anterior chamber of the heart (also called the auricle)
a class of arthropods that includes scorpions, spiders, mites and ticks
binomial nomenclature
the system of naming an organism by its genus and species name
describes structures that have similar function but different evolutionary origins; e.g., a bird's wing and a moth's wing
adrenal medulla
the inner part of the adrenal gland that secretes adrenalin
the extraembyonic membrane of birds, reptiles and mammals that serves as an area of gaseous exchange and as a site for the storage of noxious excretion products
an antipathogenic substance (e.g., penicillin)
a flowering plant; a plant of the class Angiospermae that produces seeds enclosed in an ovary and is characterized by the possession of fruits and flowers
Bowman's capsule
part of the nephron in the kidney; involved in excretion
a nerve fiber
binary fission
asexual reproduction; in this process, the parent organism splits into two equal daughter cells
living, as in living organisms in the environment
hormone active in osmoregulation; a mineral corticoid produced by the adrenal cortex; stimulates reabsorption of Na+ and secretion of K+
an organism that utilizes the energy of inorganic materials such as water and carbon dioxide or the sun to manufacture organic materials
the extraembryonic membrane in birds, reptiles and mammals that surrounds the embryo, forming an amniotic sac
a substance that prevents appreciable changes in pH in solutions to which small quantities of acids or bases are added

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