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Inorganic Cofactor
A small non-protein substance such as iron that works with enzymes to promote catalysis
Pistil, Stigma, Style, Ovary
Female plant reproductive organs
Anther, Filament, Pollen Grains
Male plant reproductive organs
Blue-green Bacteria
A type of prokaryotic cell (No nucleus)
Highly stereotyped innate behavior
Automatic movement in response to an environmental signal
Fixed Action Pattern
Innate behavior that is independent of the environment
the study of the interaction of organisms with their living space
The rate of the reaction increases, then levels off as all of the enzyme is engaged
What is likely to happen when a limited amount of enzyme is added to a reaction with an unlimited amount of substrate?
Organelles found in plant cells and eukaryotic algae that conduct photosynthesis
Stacked, disk-like plates embedded in the stroma (body) of the chloroplast which are the site of photosynthesis
The process whereby a bacterium’s genetic makeup is altered when some genetic material is transferred from one bacterium to another via a viral bacteriophage
Primary Oocyte
These are present in reproductive organs at birth
Secondary Spermatocytes
These undergo Meiosis II to form spermatid
Genes are randomly separated in gamete formation and brought together in fertilization
Law of Segregation in Genetics states that⬦
Members of which category are most closely related
Altruistic Traits
The process of kin selection preserves⬦.
Adaptive Radiation
Process whereby one species can evolve into several new species over time as migration to new areas occurs and traits are specialized to fit new habitat
Sympatric Speciation
The development of members within a population that possess differences preventing successful reproduction with the original population
Punctuated Equilibrium
Short period of quick mutation and change resulting in new species
Kin Selection
The tendency for an individual to express altruistic traits toward close relatives, thus preserving the genes that produce altruistic traits
Genetic Drift
Change in frequency of particular genes in a population over time due to chance fluctuations
Large protein molecules may be secreted from a cell by the process of ⬦.
Birthrate within a population
Exponential population growth curve
Population Rate Of Growth
Birth rate minus death rate
Death rate within a population
Logistic population growth
Waxy coating of leaves that maintains moisture balance
Nonvascular Plants
Flowering plants
Produce seeds without flowers (Conifers)
The diploid generation in plants is known as the⬦
Methods of Nutrition
Protists are divided into two major subgroups by their⬦.
Cellular Respiration
The process that releases energy for use by the cell
Algae and protozoa are organisms within which kingdom?
when the water pressure is equal inside and outside the cell it is said to be⬦
Differential Reproduction
Best-adapted individuals are most likely individuals to reproduce viable offspring
Accidental change in genetic material
Gene Migration
The infiltration of a previously isolated group by a member of an adjacent population, resulting in the increase of genetic possibilities
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
This states that in a population that is in equilibrium with its environment, gene frequencies and genotype ratios remain constant
Allopatric Speciation
The evolution of two separate species due to populations being geographically isolated from each other
Pinwheel arrangement of microtubules that from structural skeleton
Free ribosomes
site of protein synthesis
Digestive organelles that also serve to break up dead cell material
Endocytic Vesicle
Membrane sack that transports large molecules through the cell membrane
Aggregate Fruit
Fused ovaries of a single flower (Raspberry)
Multiple Fruit
Several ovaries of separate flowers (Pineapple)
Simple Fruit
single ripened ovary (Apple)
Prosthetic Group
An ion that binds to an enzyme making it more able to catalyze a reaction
Tissue made of stacked cells connected by sieve plates that allows nutrients to pass from cell to cell
The process of forming egg and sperm cells in the reproductive organs
Circadian Rhythm
Cycle of daily behavior based on an internal clock and environmental cues
Behavior that benefits the group at the individual’s expense
Behavior learned only during critical period of an organism’s life
Learned behavior that results in not responding to stimulus
Channels in cell membranes that carry water between cells
This era included the radiation of angiosperms
Began with the Cambrain explosion, representatives of most modern phyla present
this era ended with the extinction of dinosaurs. Also known as the Age of Fishes
Fossilized burrows found in rocks of this age indicate the development of multicellular animals, but only with soft parts
A polymer of amino acids
the synthesis of ATP molecules to store energy is an example of⬦
Part of the brain that controls olfactory lobes
Part of the brain that controls hunger and thirst
Part of the brain that controls balance and coordination
Part of the brain that controls optic lobes
The combination of DNA with histones
Somatic Motor Nerves
Nerves that transmit impulses from the central nervous system to skeletal muscle
First scientist to use the term “cells” as he described the appearance of cell walls in cork

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