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Ms. Kim's Ch. 7 Test


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Trace fossils
a fossil that provides evidence of the activities of ancient organisms
What are the roles of variation and environmental factors in causing natural selection?
Variation caused certain members of species to survive if their variation helped them and environmental factors can affect an organism's ability to survive
organisms with cells that contain nucklei
What were some differences between the organisms on the different islands?
the tortoises on one island had saddle-shaped shells while on another island they had dome-shaped shells, the finches also varied on the different islands based on the conditions and the food on each island
a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring.
the process of grouping things based on their similarities
Punctuated equilibria
the theory that species evolve during short periods of rapid change
What does a branching tree diagram show?
it shows evolutionary relationshipsby grouping organisms according to shared derived characteristics
Shared derived characteristics
a characteristic usually a homologous structure shared by all organisms in a group
Binomial Nomenclature
the naming system Linnaeus used where each animal has a two part scientific name
a solid copy of the shape of an organism
What does Don't KIng's Play Chess On Fine Grained Sand? stand for?
D-Domain K-kingdom P-Phylum C-class O-Order F-family G-genus S-species
Petrified fossils
fossils in which minerals replace all or part of an organism
the preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past
What were some of the differences between the galapagos island and mainland organisms?
island had large claws(to grip slippery rocks) and the mainland iguanas had short claws to climb trees
What did Darwin reason happened in the Galapagos islands to explain the diversity, as well as the similarities and differences between the animals on the Islands versus mainland?
Darwin reasoned that the plants and animals that arrived on the Galapagos islands faced environmental factors that were different from those on the mainland.
How do you get the second name for an organism's scientific name?
The second part is the species
a change in Allele frequencies in a population across generations (Ms. Kim's version) OR the gradual change in a species over time (book version)
What were some similarities between the Galapagos island organisms and mainland organisms?
The plants and birds looked very similar
a hollow area in sediment in the shape of an organism or part of an organism
How do new species form?
when a group of individuals remains isolated from the rest of its species long enough to evolve different traits
What is the plural form of genus and phylum?
Genera and Phyla
How have we arrived at the diversity we see today?
different environments and genetic variation have been produced through natural selection to get to where we are today
Branching tree diagram
a diagram that shows probable evolutionary relationships among organisms
If animal A was in the same class as animal B but in the same phyla as animal C which animal is animal A more closely related to?
animal A is more closely related to animal B
If two animals share more classification levels does that mean they have more things in common or less?
it means they have more in common(more closely related)
What causes extinction?
a change in species' environment when the species doesn't have the adaptations to help them survive
What evidence does the fossil record provide?
It provides evidence about the history of life and past environments on Earth
a difference between individuals of the same species
When do most fossils form and what is the most common way they form?
most fossils form when organisms that die become buried in sediments, the most common type of fossils are molds
What lines of evidence are used to determine relationships between species?
evidence from DNA, protein structure, fossils, early development, and body structure
Scientific theory
a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
Comparative anatomy
a comparison of the structures of different organisms
Natural selection
individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than other members of the same species
How are branching tree diagrams constructed?
(know how to make the charts from the shoe activity) At the base of the tree you put the Common Ancestor, just above that you put the group of organsims with none of the characteristics, on the next higher fork you put the organism with one shared derive characteristic, on the branch above that you put the organism with two of the characteristics and so on
How do you write an animal's scientific name?
You capitalize and eithier italicise or underline the first name and the second name is lower case
if no members of a species are still alive
How do you get the first name for an organism's scientific name?
The first part is the genus
a classification grouping that contains similar closely related organisms
Homologous structures
similar structures that relate species have inherited from a common ancestor
organisms whose cells lack a nucleus
What did Darwin observe about fossils?
he saw fossil bones that resembled those of living sloths but the fossils were much bigger
Know how to interpret the graphs from the shoe activity and be able to tell how closely related they are based on the graphs
What were some of Darwin's observations of diversity?
Darwin observed that there was A-LOT of diversity, he saw insects that looked like flowers in Brazil and found sloths in Argentina
the specific environment that providesthe things the organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce
the tree chart from the shoe activity (know how to make one and read one)
scientists who study fossils
Why do scientists classify things including living things?
they classsify them so that they are easier to study
a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment
What are some of the observations that led to Darwin's theory of evolution?
diversity, remains of organisms, and characteristics of Galapagos' islands organisms
What did Darwin hypothesize happened over many generations?
He hypothesized that over many generations they became better adapted to the environment.
What are the four main lines of evidence of evolution?
Similar body structure, patterns of early development, molecular structure, and fossils
the scientific study of how things are classified

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