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Honors Bio Plants (Chap 20 &21)


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Primary Growth
Vertical growth of a plant (length)
Main part of leaf
Phloem Xylem
Two types of vascular tissue in alphabetical order (Separate by space only)
Vegetative Reproduction
Another term for asexual reproduction in plants (include "reproduction" in your answer)
Part of a flower: Outermost ring that covers and protects flower bud before blossoming (Plural)
Underdeveloped shoots on a plant
Fibrous Roots
Root system commonly found in monocots (i.e. grass) [2 words; plural]
Nitrogen Fixation
Process in which nitrogen is converted to ammonia for plants
Carnivorous Plants
Plants that eat meat (Ex: Venus Fly Trap) [Include "plants" in answer]
Flowers and plants must use what process to obtain energy
Substance used by farmers to enhance crop yield by added nitrogen
Dermal Tissue
Type of plant tissue: Outer covering of plant (skin) [Include "tissue" in answer]
Part of a flower: Supports leaves and flowers, protects veins of plant
Parasitic Plants
Plants that obtain some or allk nutrients from a host plant, who they are harming [Include "plants" in answer]
"Plant sperm", as Malcolm would put it
Part of a flower: Narrow structure that has a sticky tip; Used in reproduction and receives the pollen
Vascular Tissue
Type of plant tissue: Transports water, nutrients, veins of plant [Include "tissue" in answer]
Secondary xylem that is laid down in the growing season accumulates as ______.
Pollen Tube
Tube pollen travels down to get to the embryo sac
Stalk connecting leaf and stem
Ground Tissue
Type of plant tissue: Makes up most non-woody plant; storage and support for plant [Include "tissue" in answer]
Where the nutrients and minerals are taken; Opposite of source. Ex: Roots
Part of a flower: Sac part of stamen in which male gametophytes produced
Type of plant that lives on the surface of another but produces its own food
Where a substance is made or enters the plant and is transported from this region; opposite of sink.
Process by which water is transported from the roots to the leaves and other parts of the plant
Root system commonly found in dicots (1 word)
Secondary Growth
Horizontal Growth; Width
Process in which the pollen is transported to another flower, where it reproduces
Meristem Tissue
Tissue that creates new dermal, vascular, and ground tissue for the plant [include "tissue" in answer]
After the embryo has fallen off of the flower parent, this process occurs where it grows and takes in water to become fully grown
Part of a flower: Strikingly colorful; Second ring of protection for bud before blossoming (Petals)

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