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spanish sentence #1


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She hid under the table
se escondió debajo de la mesa.
She sits in front of me
Ella se sienta delante de mí.
The pen is inside of my checkbook
La pluma está dentro de mí chequera.
I sit behind her
Yo me siento detrás de ella.
Put the keys on top of my knapsack
Pon las llaves encima de mi mochila.
It is in front of you
Está enfrente de usted.
I sat in front of the statue.
Me senté frente a la estatua.
That is out of my reach.
Eso está fuera de mi alcance.
His attitude towards me has changed
Su actitud para conmigo ha cambiado.
The parade passes in front of the house
El desfile pasa por delante de la casa.
The plane flew over my house.
El avión voló por encima de mi casa.
I am grateful to you for your help
Te agradezco la ayuda. The “for” is implied
I am looking for my keys
Busco mis llaves (the for is implied)
Those children always wait for the bus on the corner
Esos niños siempre esperan el autobus en la esquina. (for is implied)
They always ask me for money when I don’t have any
Siempre me piden dinero cuando no tengo. (for is implied)
We are planning on going to South America next summer.
Pensamos ir a Sudamérica el verano entrante (on is implied)
They divorced after eight years.
Se divorciaron a los dos años. (a= period of time)
My car is one block away.
Mi auto está a una cuadra. (a=the distance something is at)
They are looking for secretaries
Buscan secretarias. (a omitted with indefinite direct objects)
I want you to study this more in depth.
Quiero que estudies esto más a fondo.
By (dint of) working day and night, I finished it.
A fuerza de trabajar día y noche, lo terminé.
I cannot do two things at the same time.
No puedo hacer dos cosas a la vez.
We have at least two hours left.
Nos quedan al menos dos horas.
What is that? I do not know
maybe it is the wind.
I did it by hand.
Lo hice a mano.
I will have to calculate the distance by eye(guessing, roughly)
Tendré que calcular la distancia a ojo.
I like to play in the snow in spite of the cold.
Me gusta jugar en la nieve a pesar del frío.
You finally arrived on time!
Por fin llegaste a tiempo!
I got used to getting up early
Me acostumbré a levantarme temprano. (se, a = to)
I want to learn how to skate
Quiero aprender a patinar. (a= how to)
She hurried to hide the present.
Se apresuró a esconder el regalo. (se, a = to)
They attended class yesterday
Asistieron a clase ayer. (a is necessary)
He dared to speak.
Se atrevió a hablar. (a and se is necessary)
They helped me paint the house.
Me ayudaron a pintar la casa. (a needed)
I began to study English at the age of five.
Comencé a estudiar ingles a los cinco años. (a=to)
The tourists stopped to admire the statue.
Los turistas se detuvieron a admirar la estatua.
The birds begin to sing at dawn.
Los pajaros empiezan a cantar al amanecer. (a needed)
Who taught you to sing like that?
Quién te enseño a cantar así? (a needed)
I invite you to go to the movies.
Te invito a ir al cine. (a needed)
The victim refused to identify the criminal.
La víctima se negó a identificar al criminal. (a needed)
Suddenly he began to scream.
De repente, se puso a gritar. (a needed)
You will have to resign yourself to earning less money.
Tendrás que resignarte a ganar menos diner. (a needed)
With all the money he has, he’d better not complain.
Con todo el dinero que tiene, más vale que no se queje. (con indicates concession)
I do not know what to do regarding my grandmother.
No sé que hacer con respeto a mi abuela.
I will help you provided that you pay me.
Te ayudaré con tal(de) que me pagues.
She married her fiancé in Las Vegas.
Se casó con su novio en Las Vegas. (con needed)
I met my friends downtown.
Me encontré con mis amigos en el centro. (need con)
I think she got mad at me.
Creo que se enojó conmigo. (con needed)
Do not get involved( mixed up) with that gang
No te metas con esa pandilla. (need con)
She kept my book.
Se quedó con mi libro (need con)
Last night I dreamed about you.
Anoche soñé contigo.
Maria’s sweater is pretty.
El suéter de Maria es lindo. (de indicates possession)
As a child, I fell asleep easily.
De niño, me dormía fácilmente. (de followed by noun indicates condition or state)
They are working as directors this semester.
Están de directoras este semester. (estar+de signifys acting as)
He did it willingly.
Lo hizo de buena gana.
She spoke quickly so that they would not interrupt her.
Habló rápido de modo que no la interrumpieran.
So, you are not going to tell me you secret, are you?
De modo que no me vas a decir tu secreto, eh?
The neighbor parked in our entrance again.
El vecino se estacionó de Nuevo en nuestra entrada.
I have been standing all day long.
He estado de pie todo el día.
Suddenly it started pouring.
De repente empezó a llover a cántaros.
I really do not know the answer.
De veras que no sé le respuesta.
Once in awhile I like to travel.
De vez en cuando me gusta viajar.
I just finished eating.
Acabé de comer. (de needed)
I remembered to put on my watch.
Me acordé de ponerme el reloj. (se, de=to)
I am glad to see you.
Me alegro de verte. (se, de=to)
He regretted having made fun of her.
Se arrepintió de haberse burlado de ella. (se, de)
I am ashamed of my stupidities.
Me averguenzo de mis estupideces. (se, de=of)
Do not make fun of him!
No se burlen de él! (se, de)
I realized my mistake.
Me di cuenta de mi error. (se, de)
Stop bothering the dog.
Dejen de molestar al perro.
It depends on who is speaking.
Depende de quién habla. (de=on)
We said good-bye to our parents at the airport.
Nos despedimos de nuestros padres en el aeropuerto. (se, de=to)
Do not forget to take out the garbage.
No te olvides de sacar la basura (se, de=to)
What do you think about this book?
Qué piensas de este libro. (de=about)
They complained about the work.
Se quejaron del trabajo. (se, de=about)
They never laugh at my jokes.
Nunca se ríen de mis chistes. (se, de=at)
I finished preparing dinner.
Terminé de preparar la cena. (de)
They tried to help me, but could not.
Trataron de ayudarme, pero no pudieron. (de)
What is it about?
De qué se trata? (de,se)
I visited her in January.
La visité en enero. (en used with months, years, and other expressions of time, but not days of the week)
I did not want to see him at that moment.
No quería verlo en ese momento.
He was the first to leave.
Fue el primero en irse. (en used with ordinal numbers followed by the infinitive.
I did not speak their language
they, however, did speak English.
Call me as soon as you get home, please.
Llámame en cuanto llegues a casa, por favor. (en expression)
In regard to Indian food, I do not know much.
En cuanto a la comida India, yo no sé mucho. (notice the en cuanto+a)
She sat in front of me at the movies.
Ella se sentó en frente de mí en el cine. (en+de)
He will come right away.
Vendrá en seguida. (en)
She will never consent to marrying you.
Ella nunca consentirá en casarse contigo. (en=to)
What does this program consist in?
En qué consiste este programa? (en =in)
These seeds will soon become little plants
Estas semillas pronto se convertirán en plantitas. (se, en)
He insisted on paying me what he owed me.
Se empeño en pagarme lo que me debía. (en needed)
He entered the classroom running.
Entró en la clase corriendo. (en)
She is majoring in Engineering.
Ella se especializa en ingeníeria. (se, en)
I had not noticed his eyes.
No me había fijado en sus ojos. (se,en)
Education influences our decisions.
Las enseñanzas influye en nuestras decisions. (en)
We insist on paying
Insistemos en pagar (insistir en)
I often think of you.
Pienso en ti a menudo. (pensar en)
They took a long time to answer
Tardaron mucho en contester. (tardar en)
I wrote it for the history professor.
Escribí para el profesor de historía. (para indicates destination)
What is this for?
Para que sirve esto? (para indicates purpose)
I did it for you.( to give it to you)
Lo hice para ti. (para indicates purpose)
It is a good book to read.
Es un buen libro para leer. (para indicates purpose)
I will finish by ten.
Lo terminaré para las diez. (para indicates destination in time, deadline)
Come over here.
Ven para acá. (para indicates destination in space)
We left for Europe
Salimos para Europa. (para indicates destination in space)
For a foreigner, he speaks very well.
Para extranjero, habla muy bien. (para indicates comparison with the norm.)
She works for the government.
Ella trabaja para el gobierno. (para indicates employer)
I am not in the mood for jokes today.
No estoy para bromas hoy. (para expression)
Don’t cry! It is not that bad.
No llores! No es para tanto. (para expression)
I thought that the lectura would last forever.
Pensé que la conferencia duraría para siempre. (para expression)
I did it because of you.
lo hice por ti. (por indicates reason)
He got a stomachache from eating so much.
Por comer tanto, le dio dolor de estómago. (por indicates cause)
We didn’t go because of the rain.
No fuimos por la lluvia. (por indicates cause)
She worked for two hours.
Trabajó por dos horas. (por indicates through time)
We went through the park.
Pasamos por el parque. (por indicates through space)
I saw them somewhere around her.
Los vi por aquí (por = through space)
They sent it airmail.
Lo mandaron por avión. (por = means of transportation)
I will give you a dollar for your help.
Te dare un dólar por tu ayuda. (por indicates exchange)
He went to the store for(to fetch) bread.
Fue a la tienda por pan. (por used with verbs of movement introducing a noun meaning to get or to fetch)
We are about to leave.
Estamos por salir. (por with estar meaning to be about to)
I am in favor of free speech
Estoy por la libertad de expression. (por with estar meaning in favor of)
I have two assignments to do.
Me quedan dos tareas por hacer. (por with quedar +inf meaning yet to be done.)
That’s why I am taking my umbrella.
Por eso llevo el paraguas. (por eso=that’s why. Notice the el paraguas not mi paraguas)
They finally gave me work.
Por fin me dieron trabajo. (por fin=finally)
As a rule, I study at night.
Por lo general, studio de noche. (por expression, notice de noche not en la noche.)
He told me that it would take him at least an hour.
Me dijo que tardaría por lo menos una hora.
On the other hand I do like the town.
Por otra parte, sí me gusta el pueblo. (por otra parte. Notice the affirmative si)
I almost fell!
Por poco me caigo! (por poco = almost)
However much I try, I cannot lift it.
Por más que trate, no puedo alzarlo. (por ⬦que +subjunctive)
However thirsty she may be, she will not drink.
Por más sed que tenga, no bebe. (por ⬦que +subjunctive)
However tall I may be, I cannot reach the roof.
Por más alto que sea, no alcanzo el techo. (por ⬦que +subjunctive)
Of course!
Por supuesto! (por supuesto)
She makes an effort to give her children the best.
Ella se esfuerza por darles lo mejore a sus hijos. (esforzarse por, por=to)
I am interested in your future.
Me intereso por su futuro. (interarse por, por=in)
Carlos called and asked for you.
Llamó Carlos y preguntó por ti. (preguntar por+person, por=for)
Do not worry about me
No te preocupes por mí. (preocuparse por, por=about)
They took him for an idiot.
Lo tomaron por idiota. (tomar por, por=for)
I have not seen it yet.
Aún no lo he visto.
Evan as an adult I crave them.
Aun de adulto se me antojan.
I already ate
Ya comí.
I have not eaten yet.
Todavía no he comido.
He still rides a tricycle
Todavía anda en triciclo.
He no longer rides a tricycle.
Ya no anda en triciclo.
They arrived the day before yesterday.
Llegaron anteayer.
Then I saw it.
Entonces lo vi.
Then they congratulated her.
Luego la felicitaron.
It is too early for him to be back
Es temprano para que vuelva. (don’t use demasiado)
It is too late for you.
Ya es tarde para ti. (don’t use demasiado)
He is too young to drink.
Es muy joven para beber. (no demasiado)
It is too hot to go out.
Hace mucho calor para salir.
You talk too much.
Hablas demasiado. (use demasiado because there is ambiguity as to the indication of excess)
She eats as much as she wants.
Come cuanto quiere.
Perhaps you doubt me?
Acaso dudas de mí?
Maybe it is Robert
Quizá es Roberto.
Maybe it might be Robert.
Quizá sea Roberto (subjunctive adds doubt)
Maybe we’ll go out.
Tal vez salgamos.
No way(not a chance)
eso sí que no!
Hurry up!
They live very comfortable here.
Viven muy a gusto aquí.
Don’t do it halfway.
No lo hagas a medias.
They travel often.
Viajan a menudo.
At the end of the movie, I saw him.
Al final de la película, lo vi.
I saw it somewhere.
Lo vi en alguna parte.
Have you ever seen it?
Lo has visto alguna vez?
Well, that’s how it was.
En fin, fue así. (en fin= finally, in the long run, oh well)
In summary, I had fun.
En resumen, me divertí. (en resumen=in summary, all in all)
We finally arrived.
Por fin llegamos. (por fin=finally, at last.)
By the way, it snowed.
Por cierto, nevó. (por cierto = actually, as a matter of fact, by the way)
They live upstairs.
Ellos viven arriba. (not encima) abajo/arriba:upstairs/downstairs or up or down a street, support or opposition,
Put that box on top.
Pon esa caja encima. debajo/encima refer to specific location of things on top of others or underneath others.
Put the other one underneath.
Pon la otra dejabo. debajo/encima refer to specific location of things on top of others or underneath others.
I suffered inside, but on the outside I succeeded in maintaining my calm.
Sufría por dentro, pero por fuera logré mantener la calma. (dentro/fuera con refer to figurative locations.
Outside there is a patio.
Afuera hay un patio. (adentro/afuera used most often with literal physical locations.
I have it in front of me.
Lo tengo delante. (delante/detras used with static situations
It has the engine in the back.
Tiene el motor detrás. (detras and delante used with static situations)
I prefer to work inside.
Prefiero trabajar adentro.
My notebook is inside the drawer.
Mi cuaderno está dentro de la gaveta.
We ran around the house.
Corrimos alrededor de la casa.
They were coming after(pursuing us)
Venían tras nosotros.
They live nearby
Viven cerca.
That tree is very close to the house
Ese árbol está muy cerca de la casa.
Spain and Italy are in the south of Europe
España e Italia están en el sur de Europa.(y becomes e before words beginning with I or e)
I doesn’t matter whether it is a man or a woman.
No importa que sea mujer o hombre. (o becomes u before words beginning with o or ho.)
I know that it is cold, but I am hot.
Sé que hace frío, pero yo tengo calor. (pero indicates something contrary to what precedes it.)
It is not hot, but I am sweating.
No hace calor, pero yo estoy sudando. . (pero indicates something contrary to what precedes it.)
It was not Marta but Juana who told me.
No fue Marta sino Juana la que me lo dijo. (sino used alter a negative to indicate alternate(rather, instead))
She did not sell it ot me but rather gave it to me.
No me lo vendió sino que me lo regaló. (sino used alter a negative to indicate alternate(rather, instead), becomes sino que before a conjugated verb)
They brought not only flowers but also a bottle of wine
No solo trajeron flores, sino también una botella de vino. (no solo⬦sino también = not only⬦but also)
I called you so you would know I am thinking about you.
Te llamé para que supieras que estoy pensando en ti. (que introduces subordinate clause)
Regarding your order, I will send the book this afternoon. (4 ways)
Con respeto a/En cuanto a / en lo tocante a/ por lo que se refiere a su pedido, enviaré el libro esta tarde.
According to the boss, there are no funds.
Según el patron no hay fondos.
I the first place, I don’t have time. Second, I don’t want to.
En primer lugar, no tengo tiempo. En Segundo lugar, no quiero.
More and more
cada vez más/ de más en más
by chance, perhaps, maybe.
Maybe, perhaps
a lo mejor, quizás tal vez
Don’t you see I am doing this for your own good? Maybe someday you will understand
possibly when you get married, or perhaps when you are a mother
They are newlyweds
Son recién casados.
The day is really beautiful.
Está bien lindo el día.
He is from a well-to-do family
Viene de una familia bien.
Unfortunately, he had an accident.
Por desgracia, tuvo un accidente.
Luckily, nobody got hurt.
Por suerte, nadie se hizo daño.
My father, in turn, would take us to the movies on Saturday
Mi padre, por su parte, no llevaba al cine los sábados.
He was fed up with the government. Therefore, he decided to move with the family to another country. For that reason we ended up living in Mexico, and as a result, we all speak Spanish.
Estaba harto del gobierno. Por consiguiente, decidió mudarse con la familia a otro país. Por eso terminamos viviendo en México, y como resultado, todos hablamos español.
In Fact
de hecho.
Actually, I don’t know when everything began. Nowadays there are no traces left of the struggle. As a matter of fact, we have very little data.
En realidad, no sé cuándo empezó todo. Actualmente no quedan rasgos de la lucha. De hecho, tenemos muy pocos datos.
We are poor. Nevertheless, we shall prevail in spite of it all.
Somos pobres. No obstante, venceremos a pesar de todo.
Since the day I came here, life has been easier.
Desde el día que llegué aquí, la vida ha sido más fácil.
From the above, it can be concluded that
De lo anterior, se puede concluir que
de todos modos
After all
después de todo.
In any case
en todo caso.
I have a sister.
Tengo una hermana.(a is omitted after tener)
Look, this is the way you do it
Mira, se hace de esta manera.
He fell in love with her
Se enamoró de ella. (se, de=with)
They left the university yesterday.
Se fueron de la universidad ayer. (se, de)
She worked for me because I was ill.
Ella trabajó por mí porque estaba enfermo. (por indicates substitution-instead of)
Maybe it was nighttime
Tal vez era de noche.
That house is further up the street.
Esa casa está más arriba. abajo/arriba:upstairs/downstairs or up or down a street, support or opposition,
They looked around, but they didnt see anything.
Miraron alrededor, pero no vieron nada.

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